[ LUGOS ] Preprost pz

tJaZy rachek na kibla.org
Pon Okt 4 10:59:04 CEST 1999

On Sun, 3 Oct 1999, jernej horvat wrote:

> ICMP sem v celoti zaprl, ampak to ni resitev....
Ehm,mislim,da to ni najboljsa ideja. :>)))

  ICMP packets are used (among other things) to indicate failure for
  other protocols (such as TCP and UDP).  `destination-unreachable'
  packets in particular.  Blocking these packets means that you will
  never get `Host unreachable' or `No route to host' errors; any
  connections will just wait for a reply that never comes.  This is
  irritating, but rarely fatal.

Seveda pa je razlika,ce delas z REJECT ali DENY.


LeP PoZdRaV,

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