[ LUGOS ] Rexon exploit

Matej Zerovnik levak na jpdesign.net
Sre Okt 6 21:59:15 CEST 1999

Ce kdo ne ve slucajno:

Following some discussion on the Roxen mailing list a rather nasty exploit
that works on many Roxen
   servers was discovered. It affects all systems running Roxen with the
Pike-tag enabled. It also applies to
   a less degree to all systems running Roxen with the main RXML-parser
enabled. Hit the details link for
   an in depth problem description. A patch is available at the Roxen FTP
Server to fix this issue. 

patch se najde na
                           -Matej Zerovnik Alias LeVaK na IRCNet-
                   -Kuraltova 8/a 4208 Sencur ++386 (064) 415 - 220/221/222-
                   -Email: matej.zerovnik na guest.arnes.si levak na jpdesign.net-

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