[ LUGOS ] text stuff

Borut Mrak borutm na bigfoot.com
Čet Maj 6 00:08:20 CEST 1999

On Wed, May 05, 1999 at 11:49:40PM +0200, Borut Mrak wrote:
> On Wed, May 05, 1999 at 11:29:28PM +0200, crt jakhel wrote:
> > "blabla wiggle wigle 05.06.1999 hop hop yodel"
> > 
> > s katerim orodjem se lotiti ugotavljanja, ali taka vrstica vsebuje datum,
> > in ga spraviti ven?

Replyjam nase...

Pozabil sem povedat: obstaja ena knjiga...

  AVTOR................... : Friedl, Jeffrey E. F. - avtor
  ODGOVORNOST............. : Oram, Andy - urednik
  NASLOV.................. : Mastering regular expressions :
  powerful technuques for Perl and other tools
Dobi se v ctk, mogoce se kje drugje. Kolikor mene briga, biblija za te
stvari. Sicer pa so regularni izrazi vsaj nekoliko razlozeni v vsaki
posteni perl (in unix) related knjigi.

Druga taka knjiga je

  AVTOR................... : Dougherty, Dale - avtor
  ODGOVORNOST............. : Robbins, Arnold - avtor // O'Reilly, Tim
  urednik // Estabrook, Nicole - urednik
  NASLOV.................. : SED & AWK : [UNIX power tools]


|Borut Mrak a.k.a. PyO-GEniC, a wannabe bofh, |
| borutm na bigfoot.com, borutmrak na hotmail.com   |
|    phone: +386 65 51248 and 61 267876       |
Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the
                                                      -- Oscar Wilde

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