[ LUGOS ] remote X

Tomaz Borstnar tomaz.borstnar na over.net
Sob Mar 6 12:06:31 CET 1999

At 11:51 AM 3/6/99 , cRaZYp wrote the following message:
>sorry za tale question ker vsebuje MS windowze. :>)). Iz neke Windoze masine
>bi rabil X dostop do linux boxa.
>pred casom je tekla ena debata o programih s katerimi se je mogoce remote
>connectat na nek Xserver...
>teh stvari je kr dost, na zalost pa nism nasel nobene free verzije.. help?

The MicroImages MI/X Server can be used under Windows 95/NT as an X terminal
emulator.  This capability is not available under Windows 3.x.

Tole je free. Ne spomnim sem URL, vendar menim, da bi ti tole ze moralo

Tomaz Borstnar <tomaz.borstnar na over.net>
"Love is the answer to the final question you ask" - Unknown

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