[ LUGOS ] ce koga zanima?

cefe robert.ceferin na club.win-ini.si
Čet Mar 18 17:37:54 CET 1999


Want to run Windoz AND Linux and two other operating systems at the SAME
Time on the SAME computer ?

VMware Virtual Platform allows PCs and workstations to run MULTIPLE
OPERATING SYSTEMS *CONCURRENTLY*  on one computer. http://www.vmware.com/

Lep dan (noc) se naprej zelim :-)

Robert Ceferin                e-mail: robert.ceferin na club.win-ini.si
Krasnova 17                           FIDO: 2:380/126 robert ceferin
4000 Kranj                             ph bussines: + 386 64 265 411
Slovenia, Central Europe               ph+fax home: + 386 64 242 773
IRC: #Kranj #Slovenija #lugos     nick: cefe             ICQ 8969582
private  URL: http://www.angelfire.com/de/cefe/index.html
bussines URL: http://www.sava.si & http://www.goodyear.com

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