[ LUGOS ] sendmail

Bostjan Mercun bostjan.mercun na kiss.uni-lj.si
Čet Mar 25 17:42:40 CET 1999


Bostjan Vlaovic wrote:
> Zdravo!
> > zalaufa se enega? Ker ce ga, potem je do sedaj inetd poganjal sendmail z napacimi
> > parametri. In ce se je ta sendmail oglasil, potem mi je jasno, zakaj je hotel "recipients
> > names"..
> Ce pogledas v initd.conf ti pise:
> # do not uncomment smtp unless you *really* know what you are doing.
> # smtp is handled by the sendmail daemon now, not smtpd.  It does NOT
> # run from here, it is started at boot time from /etc/rc.d/rc#.d.
> #smtp   stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/bin/smtpd  smtpd

Ce pogledam v inetd.conf mi pise: (priblizno-pisem iz glave)

# for BSD version of SMTP uncomment the following line
smtp  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/bin/tcpd  sendmail -v

Priblizno tako. To je pa tudi vse. Ce bi mi pisalo tisto kar si ti rekel, potem ne bi
odkomentiral vrstice. Jo bom pa zdaj zakomentiral, ker sendmail tako ali tako non-stop

hvala za informacijo



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