[ LUGOS ] Netscape
Zlatko Rek
zlatko.rek na fs.uni-lj.si
Sre Jun 23 07:26:52 CEST 1999
> obstaja se kaksna tretja varianta? browser, ki je majhen in hiter, pa
> vseeno zna izrisat vse sorte in mi ni treba pri uporabi stiskati zob
> oziroma biti posebej strpen samo zato, ker je free?
$ ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/arena
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 617344 Oct 31 1998 /usr/X11R6/bin/arena
$ dpkg -s arena
Description: an HTML 3.0 compliant WWW browser for X
Arena is the W3's testbed HTML 3.0 browser. It supports most of the
key features of HTML 3.0. It uses libjpeg, libpng, and libz to
display gifs, jpegs, and pngs inline. This browser is very small and
compact and is well suited for viewing local documentation. THIS
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