[ LUGOS ] RedHat 60 Updati

Matej Zerovnik levak na lbox.zig.si
Sob Jun 12 10:52:42 CEST 1999

Red Hat Errata Updates
nash - June 11th 1999, 13:49 EST 
Several new updates for the Red Hat Linux distribution are available.
Packages affected include wu-ftpd (a maintenance release that fixes a few
minor bugs and security issues), utempter (fixes a problem with signal
handling that prevents programs from stopping when a user logs off) and
imap (corrects a known ipop2d exploit in Red Hat 4.x and Red Hat 5.x).
More information and downloads are available at Errata pages. 

VSe to na :

            LeVaK Alias Matej Zerovnik, Kuraltova 8/a 4208 Sencur
                   Tel #: +386 064 415 - 220/221/222
         E-mail: levak na lbox.zig.si matej.zerovnik na guest.arnes.si

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