[ LUGOS ] kaj pravi m$
Branko F. Gračner
Branko na edico.si
Sre Jul 14 00:41:06 CEST 1999
New Performance Reviews/Studies Show Windows NT Server 4.0 Outperforms Linux
According to recent performance reviews and studies, Windows NT Server 4.0
provides a significant performance advantage over Linux. This is the first
public data that compares the performance capabilities of Linux with Windows
NT Server 4.0 on server hardware. This new information confirms that Windows
NT Server 4.0 performs up to:
a.. 680 percent better as a Web server.
b.. 151 percent better as a file server.
ccc so pa za hece pr microsoftu, ni kaj
/// Branko F. Gračner
/// [Branko na edico.si] www.edico.si
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