[ LUGOS ] Samba Stuff

Blaz Zupan blaz na gold.amis.net
Sob Feb 6 12:00:11 CET 1999

> zanima me, ce se da sambi dopovedat, na katerih ipjih naj odpre port, ce
> imam naprimer masino z vec ipji ... rad pa bi, da bi se port odprl samo na
> enem...

"man smb.conf" in si polgej opcijo "bind interfaces only":

       bind interfaces only (G)

              This global parameter allows  the  Samba  admin  to
              limit  what  interfaces on a machine will serve smb
              requests. If affects file  service  smbd  and  name
              service nmbd in slightly different ways.

Blaz Zupan, blaz na medinet.si, http://home.amis.net/blaz
Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

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