[ LUGOS ] PAL code in AIWTV 0.20b (fwd) - ATI TV Tuner

LEGO Andy andy na x0.org
Pon Feb 8 13:46:43 CET 1999

Naj nekdo tole sproba.


 E-MAIL: andy na x0.org    URL: http://andy.x0.org 
 ICQ:    10024539       TEL: 301 725 5724   

After initial success reports in removing the green band seen in video
window, I've modified the formulas to accomodate the PAL format. If anyone
in Europe or elsewhere, using the PAL signal, cares to try it out, please
let me know the result.


I'm working on sound code, without much success. I can't figure out
whether my Philips TDA9850 chip is at address 0xA8, 0xB4. Does anybody
have a program that could allow me to monitor activity going to an AGP or
PCI card?


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