[ LUGOS ] Samba Stuff

Jernej Horvat zagi na kibla.org
Ned Feb 7 00:22:45 CET 1999

On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Branko F. Gračner wrote:

> ... to sem mel ze prej ... sam ne dela ... masina ma 4 ipje ... port 139 se
> odpre na vseh ...

Interfaces = 
bind intrefaces only = yes
Ti ne dela ?

socket address (G)
       This option allows you to control what address Samba  will
       listen  for connections on. This is used to support multi-
       ple virtual interfaces on the one server, each with a dif-
       ferent configuration.

       By default samba will accept connections on any address.

       Example:      socket address =

                                            Jernej Horvat

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