[ LUGOS ] Procmail

Bostjan bostjant na luna.si.eu.org
Sre Dec 15 00:48:01 CET 1999

Tue, 14 Dec 1999 , takrat je Marko Cuk pojamral(a):
>Kako ima kdo narejeno, ko gre na dopust in mu procmail dela bazo, folk
>pa obvesca, da si na dopustu ??

man procmailex :

       A  more  complicated  autoreply recipe that implements the
       functional equivalent of the well known  vacation(1)  pro­
       gram.   This recipe is based on the same principles as the
       last one (prevent `ringing' mail).  In  addition  to  that
       however,  it  maintains  a vacation database by extracting
       the name of the sender  and  inserting  it  in  the  vaca­
       tion.cache  file  if  the name was new (the vacation.cache
       file is maintained by formail which will make sure that it
       always  contains  the  most  recent names, the size of the
       file is limited to a maximum of aproximately 8192  bytes).
       If the name was new, an autoreply will be sent.

       As  you can see, the following recipe has comments between
       the conditions.  This is allowed.  Do not put comments  on
       the same line as a condition though.

imas lepo opisane primere :)


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