[ LUGOS ] STAROFFICE licenca ( koncna resitev )

Igor IgorF na ix.netcom.com
Pon Dec 13 20:09:44 CET 1999

Pred tednom ali dvemi je nekdo na tej mailing
listi spraseval, ce lahko uporablja STAROFFICE
v poslovne namene *ne da bi moral placati dodatno

Potrudil sem se poiskati *uradni* odgovor od SUN-a, ki si
ga v nadaljevanju lahko preberete.

Lep pozdrav



From:    starofficesupport na sun.com           08:28
Subject: StarOffice Issue [Incident:sunaid 991205-0236]
To:      IgorF na ix.netcom.com

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line
support center. Below is a summary of your request and our

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

SUMMARY:  StarOffice Issue
At 12/13/99 8:21 AM we wrote - Since to product is a FREE download,
any us eof the product is ok. Personal and business.

Sun Coustmer Care

         Reference #:  991205-0236
             Product:  StarOffice - General
         Sub-Product:  Developer 2.1.x
            Category:  SUN/StarOffice
        Contact info:  IgorF na ix.netcom.com
        Time created:  12/5/99 10:34 PM
        Last updated:  12/13/99 8:31 AM
        Elapsed time:  7 Days, 9 Hours
              Status:  Solved
              Origin:  Email
   Solution Category:  Configuration
     Incident Driver:  Applications
       SystemPurpose:  Desktop


[request]: StarOffice Issue

[Sun may use this data to contact me on related announcements]: no
[Sun may share this data with their business associates]: no

[name]: Igor Furlan
[phone - area code]: 408
[phone]: 997 8590
[fax - area code]:
[email]: IgorF na ix.netcom.com
[End user category]: Enterprise

[OS]: Linux

[problem detail]: (below)
I do not have a real problem. I have just a GENERIC question for
which I could not find a very clear answer on your page.

So , what is my question:

a) I would like to use STAROFFICE at work ( not at home ) My company
   is in semiconductor bussines. We design and manufacture ICs
   (semiconductor integrated circuits ) We do NOT do bussines with
   OFFICE products.  Yes, somehow you can say, that we make our
   ICs with the help of OFFICE package too..


   we do not have plans to sell/re-sell STAROFFICE package, we do
   not have any intention to bundle STAROFFICE in our
   products.... we would like just to USE STAROFFICE instead
   of M$ OFFICE

b) I would like to know from you : Is the use of STAROFFICE at work
   place still  considered as personal usage ?
   In other words : is it still free of charge ?

Thanks in advance

Igor Furlan


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At 12/10/99 9:00 AM you wrote -  E-mail with no data from
IgorF na ix.netcom.com

At 12/10/99 10:00 AM you wrote -
> Guys,
> do you have an answer to my question ?
> It is very simple question and it will not take
> a lot of your time to answer.. perhaps 3-4 minutes..
> Igor

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