[ LUGOS ] Kernel 2.2.15

Branko F. Gracner branko na edico.si
Sre Dec 29 15:49:26 CET 1999

On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Mitja Bezget wrote:

> Hi!
> On 29 Dec 1999, Bostjan JERKO wrote:
> > Ko prevedem kernel 2.2.15 (sedaj je 2.0.36) na Debian-u, mi device
> > ttyS2 noce delati (javi: resource busy).

z www.kernel.org

The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2.2.13 1999-10-20
   00:32 UTC
   The latest beta version of the Linux kernel is: 2.3.35 1999-12-29
   06:52 UTC
   The latest prepatch (alpha) version appears to be: none


kje si dobil 2.2.15? :)

Branko F. Gračner
<Branko na edico.si> www.edico.si
PGP Enc. Key: finger branko na edico.si

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