[ LUGOS ] shell procesi

Blaz Podrzaj blayo na thz.net
Ned Avg 29 16:25:25 CEST 1999


On Sun, 29 Aug 1999, Bojan Pogacar wrote:

> Tle mi res ful use poveste:)... OK, zanima me še, kje lahko nastavm, kolk procesov (beri irc botov) lahko poganja nekdo,ki mu dodelim shell account? Kakšna je še razlika med /bin/bash, /bin/sh, /bin/ctsh, .......

Kot prvo, si v mailerju nastimaj word wrap. Za omejevanje procesov pa imas
komando ulimit. Zadeve lahko omejis tudi v /etc/limits. Ce ga nimas,
zgleda nekako takole:

# /etc/limits - this file sets the user limits
# Format:
# <username> <limits-string>
# default entry is '*' for username
# Valid flags are:
# C: max core file size (KB)
# D: max data size (KB)
# F: maximum filesize (KB)
# M: max locked-in-memory address space (KB) [only for root on Linux 2.0.x]
# N: max number of open files
# R: max resident set size (KB) [no effect on Linux 2.0.x]
# S: max stack size (KB)
# T: max CPU time (MIN)
# U: max number of processes
# L: max number of logins for this user

# the default entry
#* L2 D6144 R2048 S2048 U32 N32 F16384 T5 C0
# another way of suspending a user login
#guest   L0
# this account has no limits
#sysadm  -

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