[ LUGOS ] real player

David Ipavec davidi na flux.fe.uni-lj.si
Sre Avg 11 19:53:29 CEST 1999

> Imam inštaliran kernel 2.2.11 in me zanima kako (če je sploh to možno) naj
> pripravim real player (5.0) da bo delal z njim.

V "/usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes" je spodaj napisano,
mogoce reši tezave, jaz sem neredil tole z "dd" , ali pa vzemi
novejšo verzijo. Izpis je iz verzije 2.2.5 .


   Current releases of Real Player 5.0 depend on a bug in the sound
sub-system which is no longer there.  Consequently, they don't work.
Real is aware of the problem and should have an updated version of the
software available shortly.  In the mean time, you can always try
backing up your copy of rvplayer, and then editing it by:

   dd if=/dev/zero of=rvplayer bs=1 count=1 seek=657586 conv=notrunc dd
if=/dev/zero of=rvplayer bs=1 count=1 seek=665986 conv=notrunc

   If you're lucky, you'll then have sound....

   You may also need to edit it with

   dd if=/dev/zero of=rvplayer bs=1 count=1 seek=702554 conv=notrunc

   as well.  Alternately, download rpopen from
http://onramp.i2k.com/~jeffd/rpopen/ and pre-load it before you run
rvplayer (it's a shared object which blocks rvplayer from doing the
NONBLOCKing open of /dev/dsp).

 E-mail: David Ipavec <davidi na flux.fe.uni-lj.si> 
PGP key: http://flux.fe.uni-lj.si/~davidi/pgpkey 
    WWW: http://flux.fe.uni-lj.si/~davidi/       

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