[ LUGOS ] slack & sun
Jernej Zajc
jernej na 4u.net
Tor Apr 6 11:39:44 CEST 1999
kaj pa debian slink?
Tomaz Ocepek wrote:
> Ali je mogoce kdo zasledil kje, da bi ze obstajal slackware za SUN SPARC
> platformo? redhat sem sprobal, samo je obupno poccasna zadeva, ko
> tece na SUN masini (Solaris je prav hiter glede na hitrost Redhata :)).
''You know and I know what being President means, young Zaphod.
You know because you've been it, and I know because I'm dead and
it gives one such a wonderfully uncluttered perspective. We have
a saying up here. `Life is wasted on the living.'''
------- Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
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