[ LUGOS ] Emacs problem
Matija Grabnar
Matija.Grabnar na arnes.si
Sre Sep 9 18:48:03 CEST 1998
> Hojla!
> Na mojem domacem PC-ju imam en fin editor UltraEdit, ki poleg zelo
> veliko drugih funkcij obvlada tudi open in save-as iz in na nek FTP
> server. Recimo dam open from FTp, potem me vprasa za ime serverja in
> direktorij in file, pa ga odpre. Ko dam save ga poskusa sejvat na ta isti
> naslov. V bistvu ima vgrejen FTP client. Sedaj pa me zanima ce imas
> kaksno idejo kako to narediti v Emacs-u. Thanx...
> Andy
EMACS FAQ, Answerr 96:
96: Ange-FTP -- transparent FTP access for Emacs's file access routines
Author: Andy Norman <ange na hplb.hpl.hp.com>
Latest version: 1.56 (comes with GNU Emacs 19)
Anonymous FTP:
Mailing lists:
Ange-FTP Lovers:
ange-ftp-lovers-request na anorman.hpl.hp.com (for subscriptions)
ange-ftp-lovers na anorman.hpl.hp.com (for submissions)
/ftp.reed.edu:pub/mailing-lists/ange-ftp/ (archives)
Ange-FTP Announcements:
ange-ftp-lovers-announce na anorman.hpl.hp.com
NOTE: now supports VMS, CMS, and MTS ftp servers
"My name is Not Important. Not to friends.
But you can call me mr. Important" - Not J. Important
Matija.Grabnar na arnes.si
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