[ LUGOS ] fetchmail
Bostjan Tursic
Bostjan.Tursic na kiss.uni-lj.si
Tor Okt 20 00:17:20 CEST 1998
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Borut Mrak wrote:
>On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, Bostjan Muller [NEONATUS] wrote:
>> Pozdrav!
>> Zanima me ce se da fetchmail nastimat tako, da bi se zalaufal ko
>> se vzpostavi ppp povezava, nato pa vsakih 10 minut ?
>Jaz sem včasih imel v cronu nekaj takega:
>*/10 * * * * if [-e /var/run/IP]; fetchmail >/dev/null 2>&1 ;
Zakaj bi kompliciral, ce je treba samo man od fetchmaila pogledat? :
-M interface, --monitor interface
(Keyword: monitor) Daemon mode can cause transient
links which are automatically taken down after a
period of inactivity (e.g. PPP links) to remain up
indefinitely. This option identifies a system
TCP/IP interface to be monitored for activity.
After each poll interval, if the link is up but no
other activity has occurred on the link, then the
poll will be skipped. This option is currently
only supported under Linux.
-I specification, --interface specification
(Keyword: interface) Require that a specific inter
face device be up and have a specific local IP
address (or range) before polling. Frequently
fetchmail is used over a transient point-to-point
TCP/IP link established directly to a mailserver
via SLIP or PPP. That is a relatively secure chan
nel. But when other TCP/IP routes to the
mailserver exist (e.g. when the link is connected
to an alternate ISP), your username and password
may be vulnerable to snooping (especially when dae
mon mode automatically polls for mail, shipping a
clear password over the net at predictable inter
torej v .fetchmailrc dodas:
interface "ppp0/IP/netmask"
# (kot IP vpises tisti rang IPjev katere imas ob konektu)
monitor ppp0
In bo gledu ce je ppp0 up, in pa ce bo ppp0 idle, ti nebo linije zadrzvov UP,
kar pride prav v kombinaciji z diald..
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