[ LUGOS ] wu-ftpd problem
Gasper Furman
merjasec na skavt.net
Sre Okt 14 19:02:00 CEST 1998
On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Blaz Zupan wrote:
> > Imam en problem in sicer: ftp list mi ne izpise lepo datotek. Namesto da
> > bi izpisal 'username' in grupo mi izpise kar cifro. Kako to popraviti?
> A je to anonymous ftp server? Ce je, potem moras skopirat /etc/passwd in
> /etc/group v svoj anonymous ftp direktorij na ftp serverju, pa ne pozabi
> odstranit zakodiranih passwordov iz passwd (ce ne uporabljas shadow).
Ne to je navaden ftp. No ja mal je popravljen, tako da userji ne morejo iz
svojega home dira. mislim da se odkril napako. vseeno hvala!
> Blaz Zupan, blaz na medinet.si, http://home.amis.net/blaz
> Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Technique?" said the programmer turning from his terminal, "What I follow
is Tao -- beyond all technique! When I first began to program I would see
before me the whole problem in one mass. After three years I no longer saw
this mass. Instead, I used subroutines. But now I see nothing. My whole
being exists in a formless void. My senses are idle. My spirit, free to
work without plan, follows its own instinct. In short, my program writes
itself. True, sometimes there are difficult problems. I see them coming, I
slow down, I watch silently. Then I change a single line of code and the
difficulties vanish like puffs of idle smoke. I then compile the program.
I sit still and let the joy of the work fill my being. I close my eyes for
a moment and then log off.
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