[ LUGOS ] no server "X" in PATH?

Ljubo Brglez ljubo.brglez na siol.net
Ned Okt 18 23:28:20 CEST 1998


Ko napisem startx dobim naslednje sporocilo, pa me zanima kaj bi to

xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  no server "X" in PATH

Use the -- option, or make sure that /usr/X11R6/bin is in your path and
that "X" is a program or a link to the right type of server
for your display.  Possible server names include:

    XF86_SVGA   SVGA color display on i386 PC
    XF86_Mono   monochrome display on i386 PC
    XF86_VGA16  16 color VGA display on i386 PC
    XF86_S3     S3 color display on i386 PC
    XF86_S3V    S3 ViRGE color display on i386 PC
    XF86_8514   IBM 8514/A color display on i386 PC
    XF86_Mach8  ATI Mach8 color display on i386 PC
    XF86_Mach32 ATI Mach32 color display on i386 PC
    XF86_Mach64 ATI Mach64 color display on i386 PC
    XF86_P9000  Weitek P9000 color display on i386 PC
    XF86_AGX    IIT AGX color display on i386 PC
    XF86_W32    Tseng ET4000/W32 color display on i386 PC
    XF86_I128   #9 I128 color display on i386 PC

_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
giving up.

xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server

xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.


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