[ LUGOS ] Slikca v BIOS-u or sth.
Milan Gabor
milan.gabor na uni-mb.si
Tor Okt 27 15:01:27 CET 1998
> A ma kdo tak program, ki na INTEL plati z AMI BIOS-om spremeni zacetno
> slikco ko se boota mashina. Zdej pishe Jerovshek Computer, which sux, jest
> bi mel rajsi LinuX inside.
Rudi jaz bi ze potem menjal, ce to gre slikco !
/) milan.gabor na uni-mb.si |
/ ) http://storm.uni-mb.si/docs/personal/milan |
_( (+--------------------------------------------------+
(((\ \) /_) Window$ is living proof of Murphy's Law
(\\\\ \_/ / LINUX-The choice of a GNU generation
\ /
\ __/ Those who do not understand Unix
| | are condemned to reinvent it,
Java could allow computer users to run numerous applicatons without
Windows, a
scenario Bill Gates once said "scares the hell out of me."
- Dan Goodin, CNET News
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