[ LUGOS ] smb

Milan Gabor milan.gabor na uni-mb.si
Pon Nov 9 15:40:29 CET 1998


A ni namesto  znaka / potrebno dati znak \ ?

Sicer je ze nkeaj casa, ko sem delal z sambo....


Tomaz Ocepek wrote:
> ojla!
> je imel kdo podobno tezavo pri mountanju win95 share?
> # smbmount //wanky/d /mnt -n
> smb_dont_catch_keepalive: server->data_ready == NULL
> mount error: Invalid argument
> Please look at smbmount's manual page for possible reasons
> #
> kaksna ideja zakaj se to pojavlja? v kernelu imam prevedeno vse za SMB,
> vkljucen je tudi win95 bug work-around... ali pa sem mogoce kaj pozabil?
> lp,
> tomaz

    |  MILAN GABOR                                      |
    /)             milan.gabor na uni-mb.si                |
   / )  http://storm.uni-mb.si/docs/personal/milan      |
 _( (+--------------------------------------------------+
(((\ \)  /_)  Window$ is living proof of Murphy's Law
(\\\\ \_/ /     LINUX-The choice of a GNU generation
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