[ LUGOS ] Caldera Promotion on FastTrack Server for OpenLinux

Andrej Kositer cwetto na slon.net
Sre Maj 13 10:45:18 CEST 1998


V naslednjih 60 dneh je na voljo: 

Netscape Fast Track server za OpenLinux po promocijski ceni 11.990 SIT !!


Netscape FastTrack Server is supported on Caldera OpenLinux, and runs on other 
Linux distributions. It is the easiest to administer, and is one of the few 
commercially produced secure web servers for Linux systems on the market today.

Recently, FastTrack received Datamation's Product of the Year award, along with 
DNET's Award for Best Web Server Software.

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Omrezje SloN

AGENDA d.o.o. Maribor				email: 	andrej.kositer na slon.net
tel.:+386 62 22 63 64				web:	http://www.slon.net
2000 Maribor

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