[ LUGOS ] Staroffice4.0 in slo fonti

Zoran Tkavc zoran.tkavc na guest.arnes.si
Ned Mar 8 16:44:12 CET 1998

Boris Pozar wrote:

> A se mogoce komu sanja, kako pripraviti staroffice do tega , da bo
> prikazoval sumnike in sicnike. Oziroma kako se doda latin2 fonte v
> seznam fontov.
> Uzivajte nedeljo!
>         Boris

Tole je iz mail arhiva:

Howto: Adding Postscript-Fonts to X11 and Staroffice 3.1
This documents descibes how I've added Postscript-Fonts to Staroffice.

Yes, you use additional fonts with Staroffice.
For example COREL-Draw 6 has TYPE1 fonts on the 4th CD.

I've done the following to add fonts:
1. Get additional Postscript-Fonts and install them in some convenient
   i.e. /usr/local/lib/fonts/type1
2. Get the perl-scripts from
3. change to /usr/local/lib/fonts/type1 and run the program type1inst
4. run the program mkfontdir
5. xset fp+ /usr/local/lib/fonts/type1
6. xset fp rehash

1. Change to the directory /usr/local/StarOffice-3.1/xp3/fontmetrics/
   and create symbolic links to the afm-files:
   ln -s /usr/local/lib/fonts/type1/*.afm .
2. Change to the directory /usr/local/StarOffice-3.1/xp3/pssoftfonts/
   and create symbolic links to the pfb-files:
   ln -s /usr/local/lib/fonts/type1/*.pfb .
3. Add the font-names and -patterns to the file
   /usr/local/StarOffice-3.1/xp3/psstd.fonts as described in
   aachenb.pfb -bitstream-aachen-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
   aachenb, -bitstream-aachen-bold-r-normal--%d-%d-%d-%d-p-0-iso8859-1

That's all.
Gottfried Rudorfer
Gottfried Rudorfer                   | University of Economics and
http://aib.wu-wien.ac.at/~rudorfer   | Business Administration
Gottfried.Rudorfer na wu-wien.ac.at     | Augasse 2--6, A-1090 Vienna,
Rudorfer na acm.org                     | tel: +43 1 313 36 x5224 , fax:


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