[ LUGOS ] Re: [mesa] X-KMail-Mark:
polz na writeme.com
Sob Jul 25 11:39:28 CEST 1998
On Sat, 25 Jul 1998, you wrote:
>polz the destroyer said:
>> Hi!
>> I'd like to know if anyone is working on an ATI driver for mesa and if not -
>> why ?
>I doubt you will ever see ATI drivers. They don't seem to be very
>keen on handing out any documentation for their products. The XFree86
>guys have basically given up on getting info on most of their cards.
>It sounds like the next hardware port will be to the nVidia processors,
>assuming nVidia is cooporative, that is. I'm going to pick up a TNT
>card when they come out to help in the endevor.
A se da komu tukaj zaceti eno mailersko kampanjo ?
Vsak bi lahko poslal vsaj 1 prosnjo na ATI, naj ze vendar dajo ven
specifikacije, ker bomo sicer "prisiljeni" saltati na 3Dfx in nVidie :)
P.S. Jaz imam sicer se S3 Trio, vendar bi rad v kratkem nabavil nekaj boljsega.
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