[ LUGOS ] search po mailing list arhivu

Zlatko Rek zlatko.rek na fs.uni-lj.si
Čet Feb 26 07:37:30 CET 1998


> Ali ima kdo kaksen predlog, kako bi izvedli search po arhivu mailing
> liste? Sedaj se da iskati po besedah v arhivu zadnjega meseca, ce bi
> dovolil iskanje po celotnem arhivu bi s tem programckom (search.cgi) to
> trajalo kakih 15 min... Tega si ne morem privosciti.. Torej - ali kdo
> pozna kaksen hitrejsi program ali pa ima kdo kaksno hitrejso masino na
> kateri bi lahko laufal searcher? :>

      glimpse 4.1 - search quickly through entire file systems

      Glimpse (which stands for GLobal IMPlicit SEarch) is a very popular
      UNIX indexing and query system that allows you to search through a
      large set of files very quickly.  Glimpse supports most of agrep's
      options (agrep is our powerful version of grep) including approximate
      matching (e.g., finding misspelled words), Boolean queries, and even
      some limited forms of regular expressions.  It is used in the same
      way, except that you don't have to specify file names.  So, if you are
      looking for a needle anywhere in your file system, all you have to do
      is say glimpse needle and all lines containing needle will appear
      preceded by the file name.  To use glimpse you first need to index
      your files with glimpseindex.  For example, glimpseindex -o ~  will
      index everything at or below your home directory.  See man
      glimpseindex for more details.  Glimpse is also available for web
      sites, as a set of tools called WebGlimpse.  (The old glimpseHTTP is
      no longer supported and is not recommended.)  See
      http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/webglimpse/ for more information.
      Glimpse includes all of agrep and can be used instead of agrep by
      giving a file name(s) at the end of the command.  This will cause
      glimpse to ignore the index and run agrep as usual.  For example,
      glimpse -1 pattern file is the same as agrep -1 pattern file.  Agrep
      is distributed as a self-contained package within glimpse, and can be
      used separately.  We added a new option to agrep:  -r searches
      recursively the directory and everything below it (see agrep options
      below); it is used only when glimpse reverts to agrep.  Mail glimpse-
      request na cs.arizona.edu to be added to the glimpse mailing list.  Mail
      glimpse na cs.arizona.edu to report bugs, ask questions, discuss tricks
      for using glimpse, etc. (this is a moderated mailing list with very
      little traffic, mostly announcements).  HTML version of these manual
      pages can be found in http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/glimpsehelp.html
      Also, see the glimpse home pages in http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/

Lep pozdrav.


Dr. Zlatko Rek               |  Phone: +386 61 1771 200
Faculty of Mech. Engineering |         +386 61 1771 150
Lab. for Fl. Dyn. and Therm. |    Fax: +386 61 218 567
Askerceva 6                  | E-mail: zlatko.rek na fs.uni-lj.si
SI-1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA  |    WWW: http://www2.ijs.si/~rek

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