[ LUGOS ] Web grabber

Zlatko Rek zlatko.rek na fs.uni-lj.si
Čet Feb 26 07:05:09 CET 1998


> A slucajno obstaja kaksna terminalska razlicica kaksnega Web Grabberja,=

> da bi lahko vlekel dol kompletne web site?

      wget - a utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web

      wget [options] [URL-list]

      Wget is a utility designed for retrieving binary documents across t=
      Web, through the use of HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and FTP=

      (File Transfer Protocol), and saving them to disk.  Wget is
      non-interactive, which means it can work in the background, while t=
      user is not logged in, unlike most of web browsers (thus you may st=
      the program and log off, letting it do its work). Analysing server
      responses, it distinguishes between correctly and incorrectly
      retrieved documents, and retries retrieving them as many times as
      necessary, or until a user-specified limit is reached. REST is used=
      FTP on hosts that support it. Proxy servers are supported to speed =
      the retrieval and lighten network load.

> Aja pa se kje bi to zadevo lahko dobil, ce ze obstaja...

Na GNU mirrorjih.

Lep pozdrav.

Dr. Zlatko Rek               |  Phone: +386 61 1771 200
Faculty of Mech. Engineering |         +386 61 1771 150
Lab. for Fl. Dyn. and Therm. |    Fax: +386 61 218 567
Askerceva 6                  | E-mail: zlatko.rek na fs.uni-lj.si
SI-1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA  |    WWW: http://www2.ijs.si/~rek

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