[ LUGOS ] problemi s printanjem

Milan Gabor milan.gabor na uni-mb.si
Sre Dec 23 11:01:00 CET 1998


Imam RH 5.2.

Instaliral sem mrezni printer in sedaj lahko printa samo root.
Ostali uprabniki ne morejo.
Pogledal sem za vsemi meni znanimi permissioni in nasel nic cudnega.

Ali kdo ve, kako to resiti ?

Hvala !


    |  MILAN GABOR                                      |
    /)             milan.gabor na uni-mb.si                |
   / )  http://storm.uni-mb.si/docs/personal/milan      |
 _( (+--------------------------------------------------+
(((\ \)  /_)  Window$ is living proof of Murphy's Law
(\\\\ \_/ /     LINUX-The choice of a GNU generation
 \       /
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   |   |             are condemned to reinvent it,
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