[ LUGOS ] Problemi z DNS

andy andy na here.ml.org
Čet Dec 17 18:14:02 CET 1998


Sedaj sem se odlocil da bom uporabil public DNS servis od Granite Canyon
Group, pa imam malce probleme, ki verjetno kazejo na to da nimam pojma o
tem kaj so sploh tisti recordi v dns konfiguraciji.

Odlocil sem se da mi bodo oni igrali vlogo primarca in secundarca.
Torej registriral sem domeno pri interNIC, registriral DNS na GC in
sedaj nic ne dela, ceprav je domena na whois vidna in pri GC se da
videti zadevo. Ce se logiram z nslookup mi javi error ce hocem pogledati
domeno, ping pa mi vrne Host name lookup failure.

Tole je moj konfiguracijski file:

(domena je x0.org)
; Name Servers

x0.org.  IN  NS ns1.granitecanyon.com.
x0.org.  IN  NS ns2.granitecanyon.com.

; multiple RP records authorize others to submit zone changes
; from the email address in the first field after the RP
; This email address is in DNS-email format. That is,
; the '@' (at-sign) is replaced by '.' (dot or period.)

x0.org.  IN  RP andy.nekje.si. Andrej.Cedilnik.x0.org.

Andrej.Cedilnik.x0.org.	IN	TXT "Andrej Cedilnik http://andy.x0.org"

; addresses for the canonical names
; Many emailers expect the name localhost to exist
; in a domain with this specific, reserved address.
; 127/8 or 127/ is the address of LOOPBACK-NET
; is reserved to mean this host on the LOOPBACK-NET
localhost.x0.org.   IN  A

; an address for the zone itself

x0.org.		IN	A <primarniIP>
andy.x0.org.	IN	CNAME  x0.org.
dean.x0.org.	IN	CNAME  x0.org.
marjeta.x0.org.	IN	CNAME  x0.org.
here.x0.org.	IN	CNAME  x0.org.
kravica.x0.org.	IN	A	<enDrugIp>
bogo.x0.org.	IN	A	<enTretjiIP>

; Aliases
; These create a nickname or alias for another name known
; to the DNS, the canonical name, hence CNAME. No other
; records may exist with a name the same as this alias.

; 'Java' is an alias for the canonical name, 'Navy.'
www.x0.org.  IN  CNAME  x0.org.
www.andy.x0.org. IN CNAME andy.x0.org.

; MX records

; These direct mail delivery agents, like sendmail,
; at hosts which have agreed to accept email for us.

; This assumes that we've arranged with tea.com and
; uu.net to provide this email service for us in
; advance for coffee.com.

; The token 'EXTREF' directs nslint to allow external references.
; The token 'GLOBALOK' directs nslint to allow global records.

; global MX records for unspecified members of the zone
*.x0.org.     IN  MX  10  x0.org.	; GLOBALOK

A ima kdo kaksno idejo kje sem zamocil?


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