[ LUGOS ] zastooooji
Gasper Furman
merjasec na si.scout.net
Čet Apr 9 20:58:38 CEST 1998
On Thu, 9 Apr 1998, polz wrote:
> Opazil sem, da moja sporocila potujejo do liste priblizno 1 teden ..
> A ima kdo kaj idej ?
Jaz mam eno. Recimo kater SMTP server uporabljas? Svoj al recimo arnesov?
Ce uporabljas svojega, je velika verjetnost, da se prej disconectas preden
do konca posljes mail in ko gres recimo nasljednic gor na net zadevo
> Uporabljam debian, sendmail in fetchmail.
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power
off and on. Knight, seeing what the student was doing spoke sternly:
"You can not fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no
understanding of what is going wrong." Knight turned the machine off
and on. The machine worked.
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