[ LUGOS ] Mail Manager Help
Marko Samastur
Marko.Samastur na fmf.uni-lj.si
Sre Apr 29 15:34:25 CEST 1998
Sodec po naslovu tega sporocila, je vir tezav Jani Ravas
(jani.ravas na kr.telekom.si). Jani, a bi prosim lahko preveril, zakaj nas
zalagas s tem sporocilom?
| Imagine an idiot. Now imagine a member of parliament. Wait, I'm
starting to repeat myself.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lugos List <lugos-list na lugos.si>
To: David Klasinc <bigwhale na capybara.sk-pttsc.lj.edus.si>
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 4:19 PM
Subject: [ LUGOS ] Mail Manager Help
>Mail Manager Help File
>You have sent a command to the Mail Manager that could not be
>understood. The default Mail Manager account is mail na domain.name,
>where domain.name is the domain name of the account you want to set a
[...rest of the garbage]
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