[ LUGOS ] FTP deamon
Alen Salamun
snowman na hal9000.zrcalo.si
Sre Sep 17 10:22:58 CEST 1997
On 17-Sep-97 Ales Horvat wrote:
>Probaj in potem komentiraj. Meni to dela tiptop ze nekaj casa, wuftpd pa
>220 ftp.----.si FTP server (Version wu-2.4(4) Sun Dec 15 13:32:11 MET
>1996) ready.
Meni na: FTP server (Version wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-12](1) Wed Mar 5 12:37:21 EST
1997) ready ne deluje...Ker ko napisem ls ne dobim nic na ekran..Moram imeti
/bin/ls pa knjiznice /lib (ce ni staticen) pol pa dela...Mogoce ker je BETA??
LP, Alen
| Alen Salamun | EMAIL: snowman na hal9000.zrcalo.si |
| -= LiNUX =- The only REAL OS |
| Microsoft is not the answer, Microsoft is the question |
| and the answer is NO!! |
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