[ LUGOS ] FTP deamon

Alen Salamun snowman na hal9000.zrcalo.si
Tor Sep 16 23:28:45 CEST 1997

On 16-Sep-97 Ales Horvat wrote:
>Da ponovim se enkrat. V /etc/passwd mu daj direktorij
>(mind that /./)
>Nobenih skript, nobenih kopiranj bin in etc dirov, ... Vse dela out of
>the box.

To pa ne bo drzalo....Da to sploh dela moras imeti v ftpaccess definirano
guestgroup za katero to pol velja (iz man page). IN OBVEZNO rabis vsaj /bin/ls
pod userjevim direktorijem (iz WUFTP-FAQ in WUFTP Mailing liste).

Lp, Alen
         | Alen Salamun |    EMAIL:  snowman na hal9000.zrcalo.si    | 
         |             -= LiNUX =-   The only REAL OS             |     
         | Microsoft is not the answer, Microsoft is the question |
         |                 and the answer is NO!!                 |

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