[ LUGOS ] TCPD_Wrapper resitev!

Alen Salamun snowman na hal9000.zrcalo.si
Tor Okt 7 19:29:27 CEST 1997


Za vse ki bi lahko naleteli na isti problem...V man page od hosts.deny manjka
spawn besedica!!! Se pravi glasi se npr takole:

in.telnetd: ALL: spawn (/usr/bin/mail -s......) &

LP, Alen
/ Alen Salamun, Zrcalo d.o.o., Glavni trg 17b, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia \
| Phone: +386-62-224-389, Fax: +386-62-224-765, GSM: +386-62-684-543  |
|          E-mail: Alen.Salamun na zrcalo.si, snowman na zrcalo.si          |  
/     -= LiNUX =- The only REAL OS | Microsoft is not the answer,     \
\          Microsoft is the question and the answer is NO!!!          /

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