[ LUGOS ] Printanje Ps filetov
Gregor Kovac
gregor.kovac na uni-mb.si
Pon Nov 3 16:25:54 CET 1997
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Boris Pozar wrote:
> Mene pa zanima ce vsem printanje Ps filetov poteka razmerno pocasi.
> Se da to kaj pohitriti?
> Lp
> --
> | LiNux UsEr |
> | SloVeNian TeLeKom EnEmY No 1 |
> | e-mail: boris.pozar na guest.arnes.si |
hmm... cudno... probaj aps filter za printanje
| Gregor Kovac | Gregor.Kovac na uni-mb.si |
| In A World Without Fences Who Needs Gates? |
| Experience Linux. |
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Boris Pozar wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>Mene pa zanima ce vsem printanje Ps filetov poteka
razmerno pocasi.
<BR>Se da to kaj pohitriti?
LiNux UsEr
<BR>| SloVeNian TeLeKom
EnEmY No 1 |
<BR>| e-mail: boris.pozar na guest.arnes.si
hmm... cudno... probaj aps filter za printanje
<BR><A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/printing/aps-491.tgz">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/printing/aps-491.tgz</A>
| Gregor Kovac | Gregor.Kovac na uni-mb.si |
| In A World Without Fences Who Needs Gates? |
| Experience Linux. |
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