[ LUGOS ] WARNING: Intel Pentium Bug (fwd)

Iztok Heric iztokh na sun.s-gms.ms.edus.si
Pon Nov 10 15:03:22 CET 1997


Zima bo.
Stvar zal res deluje :(
Meni so na Intel P133 zmrznili Linux, Winsux95 in WinNT (4.0)...
Zelo zanimivo :]

Iztok Heric <Iztok na creativ.si>

-----Original Message-----
From: Edi Suc <edis na radiostudent.si>
To: lugos-list na lugos.si <lugos-list na lugos.si>
Date: 10. november 1997 12:55
Subject: [ LUGOS ] WARNING: Intel Pentium Bug (fwd)

>Ce vas zanima tisti bug si oglejte forward in stvar melce stestirajte.
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 19:29:34 +0100 (MET)
>From: Damjan Lampret <Damjan.Lampret na arnes.si>
>To: vdori na dl.arnes.si
>Subject: WARNING: Intel Pentium Bug (fwd)
>Tole sem preveril na P200 in na Cyrix 150 (alias P200+), na prvem pod
>Win95, na drugem pod WinNT. V prvem primeru stvar dela oz. bolje receno
>zmrzne, v drugem NTji ujamejo Invalid opcode. Nisem poskusil pod recimo
>Linuxom, ker je na tisti masini v tistem trenutku prevec ljudi delalo na
>njem ;-).
>Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 21:57:33 -0800
>From: noname na noname.com
>Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
>Subject: This code will lock up any P5 machine, even usermode Linux!  (F0
0F C7 C8)
>        Check this out.  If you execute F0 0F C7 C8 on a P5 it will lock
>machine up.  This is true for any operating system including usermode
>Linux.  It's pretty cool.  Basically, the opcodes are an invalid form of
>cmpxchg8b eax with a lock prefix.  Has anyone seen this before?  The
>problem doesn't show itself for the Pentium Pro or Pentium 2.
>>From root na zombie.nws.net Fri Nov  7 03:05:53 1997
>Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 03:04:57 +0000
>From: "root of all evil (ZombieMan)" <root na zombie.nws.net>
>To: root na zombie
>Subject: [Fwd: F0 0F C7 C8 looks worse than FPIV]
>Date: 7 Nov 1997 07:17:44 GMT
>From: Sam Trenholme <set-usenet-878887265 na reality.samiam.org>
>Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy, comp.sys.intel
>Subject: F0 0F C7 C8 looks worse than FPIV
>>Cool.  It also works (sic) from V86 mode, so if you want to play around,
>>use DOS debug under whatever DOS emulator the OS you are using provides.
>>Anyone try it on a Pentium MMX?
>This bug looks far worse that FPIV.  Intel will probably be forced to
>undergo an expensive recall, although I wonder just how Intel plans on
>getting the broken Pentium on my IBM thinkpad fixed.  I like to let
>co-workers access my machine when it is hooked up to the network at work,
>and will have to now severely restrict any such access.
>- Sam

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