[ LUGOS ] Dodatek k fonti message
Frenk Zavasnik
frenk.zavasnik na lek.si
Sre Maj 28 09:16:47 CEST 1997
Alen Salamun wrote:
> Hi!
> Ugotovil sem da samo Courier New ne stimajo...
> Kje bi se dalo se vec Type1 Latin2 fontov dobit???????
> LP, Alen
> ---
> | Alen Salamun | EMAIL: snowman na hal9000.medinet.si |
> | -= LiNUX =- The only REAL OS |
> | Microsoft is not the answer, Microsoft is the question |
> | and the answer is NO!! |
Obstajajo programi, ki pretvarjajo iz npr. TTFov v Type1. Eden takih je
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