Jernej Horvat
jernej.horvat na uni-mb.si
Čet Jun 26 18:27:38 CEST 1997
> Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 12:13:03 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Metod Kozelj <metod.kozelj na rzs-hm.si>
> Subject: Re: [ LUGOS ] HW
> kombinacijo z hdb. Ce sta dva diska na razlicnih vodilih IDE, potem je
> dostop do njiju simultan (no, to sem celo testiral. Hitrost prenosa v
> resnici pade za kaksnih 10-15%, pri tem ima kernel ze kar nekaj dela s
> servisiranjem interruptov).
Si probal razporediti swap preko vec hd* ?
To podpirajo tudi NTji. :-]
Linux offers the possibility of interleaved swapping across multiple
devices, a feature that can gain you much. Check out "man 8 swapon"
for more details. However, software raiding swap across multiple
devices adds more overheads than you gain.
Thus the fstab file might look like this:
/dev/sda1 swap swap pri=1 0 0
/dev/sdc1 swap swap pri=1 0 0
Remember that the fstab file is very sensitive to the formatting
used, read the man page carefully and do not just cut and paste the
lines above.
Jernej Horvat
...Line noise provided by Telekom Slovenija - a remarkable bunch of idiots.
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