[ LUGOS ] [Time]

Alen Salamun snowman na hal9000.medinet.si
Tor Jun 17 00:31:32 CEST 1997

On 16-Jun-97 Metod Kozelj wrote:
>Oglej si http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~ntp/ za opis, dobis tudi sorce (ceprav
Nikakor ne pridem gor...Access Forbidden...Iz RCUM-a, od doma...

LP, Alen
         | Alen Salamun |   EMAIL:   snowman na hal9000.medinet.si   | 
         |             -= LiNUX =-   The only REAL OS             |     
         | Microsoft is not the answer, Microsoft is the question |
         |                 and the answer is NO!!                 |

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