[ LUGOS ] Debian 2 CD set
Uros Platise
uros.platise na fov.uni-mb.si
Sob Jul 5 16:52:12 CEST 1997
Ker je nekaj povprasevanja po Debian 1.3 CDjih,
ki jih v SLO ne bomo videli forwardam tale mail.
Pa naj me nobeden ne obesi zakaj fwd-jam mail
iz mailing liste! :)
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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 13:52 -0700 (PDT)
Resent-from: debian-announce na lists.debian.org
From: bruce na debian.org (Bruce Perens)
Subject: Sell (or give away) the Debian 1.3 Official CD
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The Debian 1.3 Official 2-CD set is now available for anyone to
duplicate and sell or give away, with no fee from us. You can download
ISO 9660 images, ready to duplicate, from the mirror sites listed at the
end of this message.
If you manufacture CDs or have a CD-writer for internal use, please
send the word "subscribe" to debian-cd-REQUEST na lists.debian.org . This
mailing list will be used to inform you of new releases and other
Debian-CD-related issues.
We currently require that you distribute _both_ CDs of the two-CD set
if you use the words "Official" and "Debian" in your product name.
There is no warranty on the Debian CD image files. Test these CDs and
install them on a system before you go to duplication - we won't be
liable if you produce 10000 useless CDs.
Bruce Perens
Debian Project Leader
U.S.: ftp://endor.cfni.com/debian-CD Nathan E Norman <nnorman na cfni.com>
U.S.: ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/distributions/debian/OfficialCD H. Peter Anvin hpa na transmeta.com
U.S.: ftp://ftp.debian.org/OfficialCD Greg Hankins <gregh na cc.gatech.edu>
Germany: ftp.uni-erlangen.de:/pub/Linux/Official-Debian-CDs Roman Hodek <Roman.Hodek na informatik.uni-erlangen.de> also NFS-mountable (read-only) as /public/pub/Linux/Official-Debian-CDs
U.K.: ftp://ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk/computing/operating-systems/Linux/debian/OfficialCD Lee McLoughlin <lmjm na doc.ic.ac.uk>
Hungary: ftp://silver.drk.hu/pub/debian_cd/ Robert Nemkin <buci na bucipc.math.klte.hu>
Japan: ftp://ftp.kc.chuo-u.ac.jp/pub/Linux/OfficialCD/ Atsushi KAMOSHIDA <kamop na post1.com>
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-announce-request na lists.debian.org .
Trouble? e-mail to templin na bucknell.edu .
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