A komu dela to...

Zlatko Rek rek na leila.ijs.si
Pon Feb 3 13:26:23 CET 1997

> Aladdin Ghostscript 4.03 (1996-9-23)
> Copyright (C) 1996 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights reserved.
> Jaz uporabljam
> Aladdin Ghostscript 4.00 (1996-6-28)
> Copyright (C) 1996 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights reserved.
> Izpise se tudi to:
> Input formats: PostScript PostScriptLevel1 PostScriptLevel2 PDF
> pa vseeno ne deluje obdelava vseh PDF dokumentov. Ne direktno z gs ne
> preko AcroRead-a. Je tako velika razlika med verzijama 4.00 in 4.03?

Ne vem, ker gs se nisem uporabljal za PDF input format. Mogoce bi bilo
 potrebno pogledati v ChangeLog file.

Version 4.03 (9/23/96)

This was an emergency re-release of 4.02 to fix the stdin redirection
problem.  It has essentially no other changes.

Known problems:
	- ps2pdf sometimes produces output with missing links.
	- ps2pdf can produce files with incorrect word spacing.
	- ps2pdf can produce files where text disappears after a figure, or
where a figure overlays text.  (k/offis/page10.*)
	- pdf2ps can produce output where what should be a small figure
overlays the text.  (k/pdf/ppi_10_d.*)
	- Setting HWSize by itself with setpagedevice has no effect.
	- When shrinking oversize halftone cells, the current algorithm,
which progressively halves the size, can produce non-monotonic behavior; GS
should either use a monotonic algorithm or give a limitcheck.
	- In Type 1 fonts, almost-vertical lines that straddle a stem edge
produce uneven output.  Also, at some resolutions, stem hints produce
anomalous or clipped output, or even missing lines.  (k/pdf/pdfspec.pdf at
96 dpi)
	- If a character in a Type 3 font is defined by executing 'show'
type commands, charpath does the wrong thing (doesn't pick up the paths
created by the inner show).
	- Banded high-level images are disabled, because there is no way yet
to pass the color rendering information through the band list.
(USE_HL_IMAGES in gxclimag.c)
	- The computations for halftone cells don't work for non-square
pixels.  (gshtscr.c)

	- Some tracing output was incorrect or missing.  (gxdither.c)
	- Resized objects in the C heap had incorrect bookkeeping
information (bug introduced in 3.68).  (gsmemory.c)
	- Image pixels that fell exactly on device half-pixel boundaries
could get discarded.  (gximage0.c)
	- The bounding box device didn't set a variable properly and didn't
implement end_image, leading to invalid memory accesses.  (gdevbbox.c)
	- Fonts with BuildChar routines written in C didn't work properly
with kshow or xyshow.  (gschar.c)

Adds some additional tracing output for Patterns.  (gxpcmap.c)

Adds tracing output for freeing malloc'ed blocks at the end of execution.

Adds a gs_dashpath procedure that expands dashes in the same way that
gs_flattenpath expands curves.  (gspath.h, gspath1.c)

Lep pozdrav.


Dr. Zlatko Rek                      |         Phone:+386 61 177 3746
Jozef Stefan Institute              |               +386 61 177 3900 
National Supercomputing Centre      |         Fax:  +386 61 219 385 
Jamova 39, P.O.BOX 300              |         E-mail:zlatko.rek na nsc.ijs.si 
SI-1001 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA         |         http://www2.ijs.si/~rek/

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