[ LUGOS ] C funkcija

Ales Horvat ales.horvat na nevtron.si
Tor Dec 16 20:13:04 CET 1997

David Klasinc wrote:

> > int je v 32 bitnih unixih dolg 32 bitov, torej 4 byte.
> Tudi ni povsem res... :) najsigurneje je da sprobas z sizeof(); :)

void main(){
   printf("Size of int   = %d bits\n", sizeof(int)*8);
   printf("Size of char  =  %d bits\n", sizeof(char)*8);
   printf("Size of long  = %d bits\n", sizeof(long)*8);
   printf("Size of short = %d bits\n", sizeof(short)*8);
   printf("Size of float = %d bits\n", sizeof(float)*8);


Size of int   = 32 bits
Size of char  =  8 bits
Size of long  = 32 bits
Size of short = 16 bits
Size of float = 32 bits


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