[ LUGOS ] Roxen Challenger

Marko Mlakar mare na fury.navy.eu.org
Ned Dec 21 07:07:30 CET 1997

On Sat, Dec 20, 1997 at 11:30:17PM +0100, Iztok Umek wrote:
> Zdravo!
> Za tiste, ki niste zadovoljni za Apache ali pa vam le ta dela prepocasi,
> si lahko na http://www.roxen.com/ poberete Roxen Challenger 1.2b
> Se posebej za tiste, ki imajo threade na svojem Linuxu, Roxen je lahko
> multithreaded na ustreznem OS (linux to je), pogoj pa je 2.0.33 kernel ali
> vec, saj je v tem popravljen nek bug.
> Nekaj lastnosti:
> * Full-Fledged Multi Threaded Architecture 
> * Stable even under Massive Load 
> * Robust & Reliable - Keeps your site always uand running 
> * Fast & Powerful - Handles more than 50simultaneous visitor requests 
> * Lean on Resources - Efficient even on limiteresources 
> * Scales Excellently - On top, even distributed
>   server solutions as multiple front ends for extreme
>   scalability needs can be achieved 
> * Flexible 
> * Modular & Object Oriented - Guarantees a future proof environment 
> * Seamlessly Extendible & Programmable 
> * Source Code Distributed - As any high-end business critical solution 
> * Open Environment 
> * Secure http Web Server, including support for https and strong
>   encryption, as Secure Sockets Layer, SSL 3. Distribution to and use in
>   the U.S. of SSL 3 is at present a violation of the patent held by RSA
>   Inc, though only if you download the GPL evaluation version. For
>   licensed users in the U.S.  that is not a problem at all.  Certificates
>   are worldwide available for purchase from both Thawte and Verisign. 
> * Ftp Server - Both named and anonymous support 
> * Proxy Server - Built-in 
> Vec na http://www.roxen.com/products/challenger/overview.html
> Na Sunsite Slovenia tece ze kar nekaj casa in brez problemov, poleg tega
> pa ima cca 7% delez streznikov v Sloveniji (ce me spomin ne vara), vendar
> je to se 1.1, 1.2 je drasticno boljsi v vseh pogledih.
> IMHO je vsaj vreden "poizkusne voznje".
> LP,
> 	Iztok

Kernel 2.0.33 ?



                    Marko Mlakar : mare na fury.navy.eu.org
		PGP Public key: finger mare na fury.navy.eu.org
Version: 2.6.3i


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