Linux Info-Sheet, prevod (fwd)

Primoz Peterlin peterlin na
Pon Apr 14 11:49:55 CEST 1997

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Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 23:33:46 +0200 (METDST)
From: Primoz Peterlin <peterlin na>
To: Linux User Group Of Slovenia <lugos-list na>
Subject: Linux Info-Sheet, prevod

Zdravo --

Tole je prevod Johnstonovega informativnega letaka.  Zaenkrat sem prišel
nekje do polovice, sprejemam pa pripombe in popravke na prevedeni del.

Lep pozdrav, Primož

Primoz Peterlin          email: primoz.peterlin na
Institut za biofiziko MF, Lipiceva 2, SLO-1105 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Fax: +386-61-131-5127     WWW:

  Linux: Informativni letak
  Michael K. Johnson, johnsonm na
  v4.11, 13 January 1997

  Slovenski prevod: Primož Peterlin, primoz.peterlin na
  14. april 1997
  $Header: /home/lugrep/www/arhiv/mailinglist/041997/112.html,v 1.1 2001/05/29 08:58:46 roman Exp $

  Ta spis vsebuje osnovne informacije o operacijskem sistemu
  Linux, vključno z razlago, seznamom lastnosti, nekaj zahtevami
  za delovanje, in nekaj viri.

  1.  Uvod v Linux

  Linux je popolnoma prosta izvedba določil POSIX z razširitvami
  System V in BSD -- kar pomeni, da daje vtis Unixa, vendar pa je
  napisan od začetka na novo -- dosegljiva v izvorni in prevedeni
  obliki. Linux je avtorsko delo Linusa B. Torvaldsa
  <Linus.Torvalds na Helsinki.FI> in drugih sodelavcev, ter se lahko
  prosto razširja pod pogoji, navedenimi v GNU Public License.

  Linux ni v javni lasti, niti ni ,program na pokušino`
  (shareware).  Linux spada med _prosto_ programje (angleško
  ,freeware`).  Kopije prostega programa lahko delite naokoli,
  vendar pod pogojem, da priložite tudi izvorno kodo, oziroma da
  je izvorna koda tudi dosegljiva.  Če ste prosti program
  dodelali ali spreminjali, ste zakonsko obvezani, da tudi
  dodelave in spremembe napravite dostopne pod enakimi pogoji.
  Podrobnosti so opisane v GNU General Public License, ki je
  priložena izvorni kodi Linuxa, dostopna pa je tudi prek FTP na kot /pub/gnu/COPYING.

  Linux je v izdaji 2.0 še vedno prost, in bo tudi ostal.
  Zaradi narave zaščite GNU copyright, kateri predmet je Linux,
  bi bilo nelegalno, če bi se to spremenilo.  Natančneje: povsem
  legalno je zahtevati denarno nadomestilo za distribuiranje
  Linuxa, vse dokler zraven prilagate tudi izvorno kodo. (Zgoraj
  zapisano je poenostavitev, za natančno pravno razlago pogojev
  glejte GNU General Public License).
  Linux teče na računalnikih s procesorji Intel 80386. 80486,
  Pentium in Pentium Pro, z vodili ISA, EISA, PCI ali VLB.  MCA
  (IBM-ov Micro Channel) trenutno še ni dobro podprt, preizkusna
  izvedba podpore pa je vključena v razvojno izvorno kodo.  Če
  vas zanima, si podrobnosti oglejte na

  V delu je priredba za več računalnikov s procesorju Motorola
  680x0 (trenutno teče na nekaj Amigah, Atarijih in računalnikih
  VME), ki že deluje precej dobro.  Zahteva procesor 68020 z
  enoto MMU, ali procesorje 68030, 68040 ali 68060, in zahteva
  tudi numerični koprocesor FPU.  Omrežne funkcije ter okolje X
  že delujejo.

  Linux teče dobro na procesorju DEC Alpha, in trenutno podpira "Jensen",
  "NoName", "Cabriolet", "Universal Desktop Box" (bolj znan kot
  Multia), in več drugih platform.  Za dodatne informacije
  glejte <>.  Priredba
  za DEC Alpha je stabilna in vključena v komercialni distribuciji
  Red Hat in Craftworks.

  Linux tudi dobro teče na procesorju Sun SPARC; večina modelov
  sun4c in sun4m zdaj že podpira Linux, podpora za sun4u pa je v
  izdelavi. Priredba za Sun SPARC je stabilna in vključena v
  komercialno distribucijo Red Hat Linux, za podrobnosti glejte

  Priredba za arhitekturo Power PC, vključujoč računalnike PowerMac 
  (NuBus in PCI), Mototola, IBM in Be je v intenzivnem razvoju.

  Priredbe za druge arhitekture, vključno MIPS in ARM, so v
  različnih fazah razvoja. Rezultatov morda ni za pričakovati
  takoj; če pa vas delo zanima in ste željni in sposobni
  prispevati k njemu, boste verjetno hitro našli stik z drugimi

  Linuxa že dolgo ne moremo več šteti za preizkusno verzijo, saj
  je prva izdaja (1.0) izšla že 14. marca 1994. Seveda so v sistemu 
  vedno napake, in s časom se pojavijo celo nove, in so seveda
  tudi popravljene. Ker je delo na Linuxu sledi ,,modelu odprtega
  razvoja``, vse nove izvedenke javno izidejo, ne glede na to, če
  so ,,produkcijske kakovosti`` ali ne. Vendar pa je bila v pomoč
  ljudem pri odločitvi, katere izvedenke so stabilne in katere
  ne, vpeljana naslednja shema: izdaje 1.x.y, kjer je x sodo
  število, so stabilne, namenjene zgolj odpravljanju napak.  Tako
  so bile od izdaje 1.2.2 do 1.2.3 odpravljene samo nekatere
  napake, ni pa bilo dodanih nobenih novih lastnosti. Izdaje
  1.x.y, kjer je x liho število, pa so razvojne izvedenke, kjer
  se od ene izdaje do druge odpravljajo napake in dodajajo nove
  funkcionalnosti. Take izdaje so lahko nestabilne in so
  namenjene razvijalcem. Vsake toliko časa, ko se jedro
  stabilizira, se razvoj na novem stabilnem jedru zamrzne, nadaljuje
  pa se delo na razvojni izvedbi jedru.

  Trenutna stabilna izdaja je 2.0.30 (zadnja številka se bo
  spremenila s odpravo napak in dodajanjem gonilnikov), razvoj pa
  se nadaljuje na eksperimentalnem jedru 2.1.x.  Če se vam zdi
  2.0.x še vedno preveč ,,v delu``, boste morda zaenkrat raje izbrali izdajo
  1.2.13.  Vendar pa so se zadnje izdaje 2.0.x izkazale za precej
  stabilne. Bodite pozorni: pri nadgradnji jedra izdaje 1.2 na 2.0
  boste morali nadgraditi tudi nekaj programov; da bi te programe
  lahko uporabljali, boste morda hoteli preiti tudi na novo
  izdajo jedra operacijskega sistema.  Izvorni kodi za jedro
  Linuxa je priložena tudi datoteka Documentation/Changes, ki
  natančneje razloži spremebe.

  Večina izdaj Linuxa, razvojnih ali stabilnih, je precej
  stabilnih. Če nimate posebnih ambicij, da bi vedno sledili
  zadnji izdaji, in če izdaja, ki jo imate, dela, kar želite, lahko
  mirno ostanete tudi pri njej. Znan je primer računalnika, na
  katerem je tekla izdaja 0.97p1 (izdana poleti 1992) neprekinjeno
  136 dni brez napak (tekla bi še naprej, če ne bi bagerist po
  nesreči pretrgal omrežnega kabla).  Še drugi so objavili
  neprekinjeno delovanje tudi prek enega leta.  Zadnje poročilo
  navaja računalnik, na katerem še vedno teče izdaja 0.99p15s,
  zdaj že prek 600 dni.

  Zavedati se moramo, da je razvoj Linuxa odprt in distribuitran,
  medtem ko je razvoj večine ostalega programja zaprt in
  centraliziran.  To pomeni, da je trenutna razvojna verzija
  vedno javno dostopna (z zamikom tedna ali dveh) in jo lahko
  kdorkoli uporablja. Rezultat tega je, da izdaja, ki prinaša novo
  funkcionalnost, skoraj vedno vsebuje tudi napake, po drugi
  strani pa to pomeni tudi izjemno hiter razvoj, tako da so
  napake najdene in odpravljene zelo hitro, dostikrat v nekaj
  urah, saj se z njimi ukvarja veliko ljudi.

  Zaprt, centraliziran razvoj pomeni, da se s projektom ukvarja
  posameznik ali skupina, in programje javno izdajo potem, ko
  mislijo, da dobro deluje. To navadno vodi v dolge intervale med
  izdajami, dolgo čakanje na popravke napak, in počasnejši
  razvoj. Seveda je končna javna izdaja takega programja bolj
  kakovostna, vendar pa je hitrost razvoja v splošnem mnogo

  Ob pisanju tega spisa (12. april 1997) je bila trenutna
  stabilna izdaja Linuxa 2.0.30, zadnja razvojna izdaja pa

  2.  Lastnosti Linuxa

  *  večopravilni: več programov teče naenkrat.

  *  večuporabniški: več ljudi lahko hkrati dela na istem
     računalniku (brez omejitve na dva uporabnika!)

  *  večplatformni: teče na več različnih mikroprocesorjih, ne le
     na Intelovih.

  *  večprocesorski: podpora za SMP obstaja za procesorje Intel
     in SPARC (za ostale pa je v delu), Linux pa uporabljajo tudi
     v večih ohlapno povezanih večprocesorskih aplikacijah, med
     njimi sistemi Beowilf (glejte
     in Fujitsujev AP1000+ superračunalnik s procesorji SPARC.

  *  teče v zaščitenem načinu na 80386.

  *  vsebuje zaščito pomnilnika med procesi, tako da en sam
     program ne more ogroziti stabilnosti celotnega sistema.

  *  nalaganje programov na zahtevo: Linux prebere z diska v
     pomnilnik samo tiste dele programa, ki se jih dejansko

  *  deljen prepis ob branju. Več programov lahko uporablja isti
     pomnilnik.  Ko program poskusi pisati v pomnilnik, Linux
     stran (blok 4KB) pomnilnika prepiše nekam drugam. Ta način
     prinese dve prednosti: višjo hitrost in manjšo porabo

  *  shranjevanje virtualnega pomnilnika na disk po eno stran
     naenkrat (paging) namesto shranjevanje celotnega procesa
     (swapping); na ločeno particijo ali pa v datoteko, ali pa na
     obe.  Dodani prostor za swap (prostor na disku se iz
     zgodovinskih razlogov še vedno imenuje swap) je možno dodati
     tudi med delom.  Skupno more Linux uporabiti 16 področij za
     swap po 128 MB vsako, skupaj 2 GB. Če je potrebno, se more
     ta omejitev popraviti s spremembo nekaj vrstic v programu.

  *  skupni pomnilniški fond za uporabniške programe in diskovni
     medpomnilnik, tako da se lahko ves prosti pomnilnik
     uporablja za predhranjene vsebine diska, po potrebi, ko
     programi zahtevajo več pomnilnika, pa se ta dinamično

  *  dinamično povezane deljene knjižnice (DLL), in seveda tudi
     statične knjižnice

  *  izvaja pomnilniški izpis (core dump) za analizo ,post-mortem`, kar
     dovoljuje analizo z iskalnikom napak ne le med tekom programa,
     ampak tudi potem, ko se je zrušil.

  *  večinoma združljiv na ravni izvorne kode s standardi POSIX,
     Sustem V in BSD.

  *  preko modula za emulacijo iBCS2, večinoma združljiv na
     binarni ravni s SCO, SVR3 in SVR4.

  *  vsa izvorna koda je dostopna, vključujoč celotno jedro,
     gonilnike, razvojna orodja in uporabniške programe; vse se
     sme tudi prosto razpečevati.  Kopica komercialnih programov
     je bila prirejenih za Linux, za katere izvorna koda ni na
     voljo; vse, kar pa je bilo prosto, vključno celoten osnoven
     operacijski sistem, ostaja prosto.

  *  nadzor nad opravili po POSIX.

  *  psevdoterminali (pty).

  *  emulacija numeričnega koprocesorja 387 v jedru, tako da ni
     potrebe, da bi programi izvajali svojo emulacijo. Vsak
     računalnik, na katerem teče Linux, izgleda, kot bi imel
     vgrajen numerični koprocesor. Če ima računalnik v resnici
     koprocesor, bo Linux seveda uporabil tega namesto emulacije,
     in jedro lahko tudi prevedete brez numerične emulacije, s
     čimer prihranite nekaj malega pomnilnika.

  *  podpira mnoge neangleške ali posebne tipkovnice, enostavno
     pa je tudi dodati podporo za nove.
  *  več virtualnih konzol:  več (do 64) neodvisnih prijav prek
     konzole, med katerimi lahko preklapljate s kombinacijo tipk
     (neodvisno od strojne opreme za prikaz).

  *  podpira več datotečnih sistemov, med njimi minix, Xenix, vse
     pogoste datotečne sisteme System V; ima sodoben lastni
     datotečni sistem, ki omogoča do 4 TB prostora in 255 znakov
     dolga imena datotek.

  *  transparenten dostop do particij MS-DOS (in particij FAT na
     OS/2) prek posebnega datotečnega sistema: ne potrebujete
     nobenih posebnih ukazov za uporabo particije MS-DOS, saj se
     kaže kot povsem običajni datotečni sistem Unix (razen čudnih
     omejitev glede dolžine imen, zaščite ipd.)  Za stisnjene
     particije pod MS-DOS 6 je zaenkrat potrebno uporabiti popravek
     (dmsdosfs).  Podpora za VFAT (Windows NT, Windows 95) je na
     voljo v Linuxu 2.0.

  *  posebni datotečni sistem, UMSDOS, omogoča, da Linux
     namestimo na datotečnem sistemu MS-DOS.

  *  podpora za branje datotečnega sistema HPFS-2 pod OS/2 2.1.

  *  podpora za HFS (Macintosh) je na razpolago kot ločen modul.

  *  datotečni sistem CD-ROM bere vse standardne zapise CD-ROM.

  *  podpora za omrežje TCP/IP, vključujoč ftp, telnet, NFS itd.

  *  strežnik za Appletalk.

  *  strežnik in odjemnik za NetWare

  *  strežnik in odjemnik za Lan Manager (SMB)

  *  podpora za mnoge omrežne protokole: osnovni protokoli v
     zadnji razvojni izdaji vključujejo TCP, IPv4, IPv6, AX.25,
     X.25, IPX, DDP (Appletalk), NetBEUI, Netrom, in druge.
     Stabilna izdaja trenutno vključuje podporo za TCP, IPv4,
     IPX, DDP in AX.25.
  3.  Strojne zahteve

  3.1.  Minimalna sestava

  Tole je verjetno najmanjša možna sestava, na kateri teče Linux:
  procesor 386SX/16, 1 MB pomnilnika, disketnik (1.44 MB ali 1.2
  MB), katerakoli podprta grafična kartica (in seveda tipkovnica,
  monitor in tako naprej). To je dovolj, da sistem zaženete in
  vidite, če na računalniku sploh deluje; ne boste pa mogli
  početi nič uporabnega. Dodatne informacije o delu z minimalno
  sestavo najdete na <>.

  Da bi počeli kaj uporabnega, potrebujete še disk. Za zalo
  minimalno nastavitev zadostuje 5 do 10 MB prostora, kamor
  namestite samo najnujnejše ukaze in eno ali dve majhni
  aplikaciji, denimo terminalski emulator. To je še vedno zelo,
  zelo omejujoče, in zelo neudobno, saj za početi skoraj karkoli
  ni dovolj prostora. V splošnem tega ne priporočamo za nič
  drugega kot za preizkus, če stvari delujejo, in seveda za
  modrovanja o minimalnih zahtevah.

  3.2.  Uporabna sestava

  Če boste poganjali kateregakoli od računsko intenzivnih
  programov, npr. gcc, X ali TeX, boste verjetno želeli kaj
  hitrejšega kot 386SX/16, čeprav z nekaj potrpežljivosti tudi ta 

  V praksi potrebujete vsaj 4 MB pomnilnika, če ne uporabljate
  okolja X, in 8 MB, če ga. Če bo na sistemu hkrati delalo več
  uporabnikov, ali če boste hkrati poganjali več večjih programov
  (npr. prevajalnik), bo 4 MB verjetno premalo. Linux sicer deluje 
  tudi z manj pomnilnika (zadoščalo bi celo samo 2 MB), vendar pa
  bo tedaj uporabil disk kot virtualni pomnilnik, in sistem bo
  prepočasen, da bi bil uporaben. Če poganjate hkrati več
  programov, bo 16 MB znatno zmanjšalo posege na disk. Če želite,
  da bo sistem pod normalno uporabo le neznatno uporabljal disk
  kot virtualni pomnilnik, bo verjetno zadostovalo 32 MB. Če
  poganjate programe s hujšo lakoto po pomnilniku, pa boste verjetno
  seči še više.

  Količina diska je odvisna od tega, kaj želite namestiti.
  Za osnovni nabor podpornih programov Unix, ukazno lupino in
  upravne programe bo dovolj 10 MB, z nekaj prostora za
  uporabniške datoteke. Za popolnejši sistem vzemite Red Hat,
  Debian, Slackware ali katero drugo distribucijo, in računajte,
  da boste potrebovali od 60 do 300 MB prostora, odvisno od tega,
  kaj želite namestiti in katero distribucijo uporabljate. K temu
  prostoru prištejte prostor, ki ste ga namenili za datoteke
  uporabnikov. Če kupujete nov računalnik, glede na dandanašnje cene 
  diskov ni pametno kupovati premajhnega diska. Vzemite vsaj 500
  MB, raje 1 GB, in ne bo vam žal.

  Dodajte več pomnilnika, več diska, hitrejši procesor in ostalo
  glede na vaše potrebe, želje in zmožnosti, če želite kaj več
  kot zgolj uporabni sistem. V splošnem pomeni pod Linuxom 
  dodatni pomnilnik bistveno večjo razliko kot pod MS-DOS. To je
  seveda povezano z omejitvijo MS-DOS na 640 KB, ki je pod
  Linuxom ni.

  3.3.  Supported hardware

        Anything that runs 386 protected mode programs (all models of
        386's 486's, 586's, and 686's should work. 286s and below may
        someday be supported on a smaller kernel called ELKS (Embeddable
        Linux Kernel Subset), but don't expect the same capabilities.  A
        version for the 680x0 CPU (for x = 2 with external MMU, 3, 4,
        and 6) which runs on Amigas and Ataris can be found at in the 680x0 directory.  Many DEC Alphas are
        supported. Many SPARCs are now supported. Ports are also being
        done to the PowerPC, ARM, and MIPS architectures.  More details
        are available elsewhere.

        ISA or EISA bus.  MCA (mostly true blue PS/2's) support is
        incomplete but improving (see above).  Local busses (VLB and
        PCI) work. Linux puts higher demands on hardware than DOS,
        Windows, and in fact most operating systems.  This means that
        some marginal hardware that doesn't fail when running less
        demanding operating system may fail when running Linux.  Linux
        is an excellent memory tester...

        Up to 1 GB on Intel; more on 64-bit platforms.  Some people
        (including Linus) have noted that adding ram without adding more
        cache at the same time has slowed down their machine extremely,
        so if you add memory and find your machine slower, try adding
        more cache.  Some machines can only cache certain amounts of
        memory regardless of how much RAM is installed (64 MB is the
        most one popular chipset can cache).  Over 64 MB of memory will
        require a boot-time parameter, as the BIOS cannot report more
        than 64MB, because it is ``broken as designed.''

     Data storage:
        Generic AT drives (EIDE, IDE, 16 bit HD controllers with MFM or
        RLL, or ESDI) are supported, as are SCSI hard disks and CD-ROMs,
        with a supported SCSI adaptor.  Generic XT controllers (8 bit
        controllers with MFM or RLL) are also supported.  Supported SCSI
        adaptors: Advansys, Adaptec 1542, 1522, 1740, 27xx, and 29xx
        (with some exceptions) series, Buslogic MultiMaster controllers
        (Flashpoint support is in beta-testing), NCR53c810-based
        controllers, DPT controllers, Qlogic ISP and FAS controllers,
        Seagate ST-01 and ST-02, Future Domain TMC-88x series (or any
        board based on the TMC950 chip) and TMC1660/1680, Ultrastor 14F,
        24F and 34F, Western Digital wd7000, and others.  SCSI, QIC-02,
        and some QIC-80 tapes are also supported. Several CD-ROM devices
        are also supported, including Matsushita/Panasonic, Mitsumi,
        Sony, Soundblaster, Toshiba, ATAPI (EIDE), SCSI, and others.
        For exact models, check the hardware compatibility HOWTO.

        VGA, EGA, CGA, or Hercules (and compatibles) work in text mode.
        For graphics and X, there is support for (at least) normal VGA,
        some super-VGA cards (most of the cards based on ET3000, ET4000,
        Paradise, and some Trident chipsets), S3, 8514/A, ATI
        MACH8/32/64, and hercules.  (Linux uses the Xfree86 X server, so
        that determines what cards are supported.  A full list of
        supported chipsets alone takes over a page.)

        Ethernet support includes 3COM 503/509/579/589 (501/505/507 are
        supported but not recomended), AT&T GIS (neé NCR) WaveLAN, most
        WD8390-based cards, most WD80x3-based cards, NE1000/2000 and
        most clones, AC3200, Apricot 82596, AT1700, ATP,
        DE425/434/435/500, D-Link DE-600/620, DEPCA, DE100/101,
        DE200/201/202 Turbo, DE210, DE422, Cabletron E2100 (not
        recommended), Intel EtherExpress (not recommended), DEC
        EtherWORKS 3, HP LAN, HP PCLAN/plus, most AMD LANCE-based cards,
        NI5210, ni6510, SMC Ultra, DEC 21040 (tulip), Zenith Z-Note
        ethernet, All Zircom cards and all Cabletron cards other than
        the E2100 are unsupported, due to the manufacturers
        unwillingness to release programming information freely.

        FDDI support currently includes the DEFxx cards from DEC.

        Point-to-Point networking support include PPP, SLIP, CSLIP, and

        Most 16450 and 16550 UART-based boards, including AST Fourport,
        the Usenet Serial Card II, and others.  Intelligent boards
        supported include Cyclades Cyclom series (supported by the
        manufacturer), Comtrol Rocketport series (supported by the
        manufacturer), Stallion (most boards; supported by the
        manufacturer), and Digi (some boards; not manufacturer-
        supported).  Some ISDN, frame relay, and leased line hardware is
     Other hardware:
        SoundBlaster, ProAudio Spectrum 16, Gravis Ultrasound, most
        other sound cards, most (all?)  flavours of bus mice (Microsoft,
        Logitech, PS/2), etc.

  4.  An Incomplete List of Ported Programs and Other Software

  Most of the common Unix tools and programs have been ported to Linux,
  including almost all of the GNU stuff and many X clients from various
  sources.  Actually, ported is often too strong a word, since many
  programs compile out of the box without modifications, or only small
  modifications, because Linux tracks POSIX quite closely.
  Unfortunately, there are not as many end-user applications yet as we
  would like, but this is changing rapidly.  Contact the vendor of your
  favorite commercial Unix application and ask if they have ported it to

  Here is an incomplete list of software that is known to work under

     Basic Unix commands:
        ls, tr, sed, awk and so on (you name it, Linux probably has it).

     Development tools:
        gcc, gdb, make, bison, flex, perl, rcs, cvs, prof.

     Languages and Environments:
        C, C++, Objective C, Java, Modula-3, Modula-2, Oberon, Ada95,
        Pascal, Fortran, ML, scheme, Tcl/tk, Perl, Python, Common Lisp,
        and many others.

     Graphical environments:
        X11R5 (XFree86 2.x), X11R6 (XFree86 3.x), MGR.

        GNU Emacs, XEmacs, MicroEmacs, jove, ez, epoch, elvis (GNU vi),
        vim, vile, joe, pico, jed, and others.

        bash (POSIX sh-compatible), zsh (includes ksh compatiblity
        mode), pdksh, tcsh, csh, rc, es, ash (mostly sh-compatible shell
        used as /bin/sh by BSD), and many more.

        Taylor (BNU-compatible) UUCP, SLIP, CSLIP, PPP, kermit, szrz,
        minicom, pcomm, xcomm, term (runs multiple shells, redirects
        network activity, and allows remote X, all over one modem line),
        Seyon (popular X-windows communications program), and several
        fax and voice-mail (using ZyXEL and other modems) packages are
        available.  Of course, remote serial logins are supported.

     News and mail:
        C-news, innd, trn, nn, tin, smail, elm, mh, pine, etc.

        TeX, groff, doc, ez, LyX, Lout, Linuxdoc-SGML, and others.
        Nethack, several Muds and X games, and lots of others.  One of
        those games is looking through all the games available at tsx-11
        and sunsite.

        AUIS, the Andrew User Interface System.  ez is part of this

  All of these programs (and this isn't even a hundredth of what is
  available) are freely available.  Commercial software is becoming
  widely available; ask the vendor of your favorite commercial software
  if they support Linux.

 protected mode programs (all models of
        386's 486's, 586's, and 686's should work. 286s and below may
        someday be supported on a smaller kernel called ELKS (Embeddable
        Linux Kernel Subset), but don't expect the same capabilities.  A
        version for the 680x0 CPU (for x = 2 with external MMU, 3, 4,
        and 6) which runs on Amigas and Ataris can be found at in the 680x0 directory.  Many DEC Alphas are
        supported. Many SPARCs are now supported. Ports are also being
        done to the PowerPC, ARM, and MIPS architectures.  More details
        are available elsewhere.

        ISA or EISA bus.  MCA (mostly true blue PS/2's) support is
        incomplete but improving (see above).  Local busses (VLB and
        PCI) work. Linux puts higher demands on hardware than DOS,
        Windows, and in fact most operating systems.  This means that
        some marginal hardware that doesn't fail when running less
        demanding operating system may fail when running Linux.  Linux
        is an excellent memory tester...

        Up to 1 GB on Intel; more on 64-bit platforms.  Some people
        (including Linus) have noted that adding ram without adding more
        cache at the same time has slowed down their machine extremely,
        so if you add memory and find your machine slower, try adding
        more cache.  Some machines can only cache certain amounts of
        memory regardless of how much RAM is installed (64 MB is the
        most one popular chipset can cache).  Over 64 MB of memory will
        require a boot-time parameter, as the BIOS cannot report more
        than 64MB, because it is ``broken as designed.''

     Data storage:
        Generic AT drives (EIDE, IDE, 16 bit HD controllers with MFM or
        RLL, or ESDI) are supported, as are SCSI hard disks and CD-ROMs,
        with a supported SCSI adaptor.  Generic XT controllers (8 bit
        controllers with MFM or RLL) are also supported.  Supported SCSI
        adaptors: Advansys, Adaptec 1542, 1522, 1740, 27xx, and 29xx
        (with some exceptions) series, Buslogic MultiMaster controllers
        (Flashpoint support is in beta-testing), NCR53c810-based
        controllers, DPT controllers, Qlogic ISP and FAS controllers,
        Seagate ST-01 and ST-02, Future Domain TMC-88x series (or any
        board based on the TMC950 chip) and TMC1660/1680, Ultrastor 14F,
        24F and 34F, Western Digital wd7000, and others.  SCSI, QIC-02,
        and some QIC-80 tapes are also supported. Several CD-ROM devices
        are also supported, including Matsushita/Panasonic, Mitsumi,
        Sony, Soundblaster, Toshiba, ATAPI (EIDE), SCSI, and others.
        For exact models, check the hardware compatibility HOWTO.

        VGA, EGA, CGA, or Hercules (and compatibles) work in text mode.
        For graphics and X, there is support for (at least) normal VGA,
        some super-VGA cards (most of the cards based on ET3000, ET4000,
        Paradise, and some Trident chipsets), S3, 8514/A, ATI
        MACH8/32/64, and hercules.  (Linux uses the Xfree86 X server, so
        that determines what cards are supported.  A full list of
        supported chipsets alone takes over a page.)

        Ethernet support includes 3COM 503/509/579/589 (501/505/507 are
        supported but not recomended), AT&T GIS (neé NCR) WaveLAN, most
        WD8390-based cards, most WD80x3-based cards, NE1000/2000 and
        most clones, AC3200, Apricot 82596, AT1700, ATP,
        DE425/434/435/500, D-Link DE-600/620, DEPCA, DE100/101,
        DE200/201/202 Turbo, DE210, DE422, Cabletron E2100 (not
        recommended), Intel EtherExpress (not recommended), DEC
        EtherWORKS 3, HP LAN, HP PCLAN/plus, most AMD LANCE-based cards,
        NI5210, ni6510, SMC Ultra, DEC 21040 (tulip), Zenith Z-Note
        ethernet, All Zircom cards and all Cabletron cards other than
        the E2100 are unsupported, due to the manufacturers
        unwillingness to release programming information freely.

        FDDI support currently includes the DEFxx cards from DEC.

        Point-to-Point networking support include PPP, SLIP, CSLIP, and

        Most 16450 and 16550 UART-based boards, including AST Fourport,
        the Usenet Serial Card II, and others.  Intelligent boards
        supported include Cyclades Cyclom series (supported by the
        manufacturer), Comtrol Rocketport series (supported by the
        manufacturer), Stallion (most boards; supported by the
        manufacturer), and Digi (some boards; not manufacturer-
        supported).  Some ISDN, frame relay, and leased line hardware is
     Other hardware:
        SoundBlaster, ProAudio Spectrum 16, Gravis Ultrasound, most
        other sound cards, most (all?)  flavours of bus mice (Microsoft,
        Logitech, PS/2), etc.

  4.  An Incomplete List of Ported Programs and Other Software

  Most of the common Unix tools and programs have been ported to Linux,
  including almost all of the GNU stuff and many X clients from various
  sources.  Actually, ported is often too strong a word, since many
  programs compile out of the box without modifications, or only small
  modifications, because Linux tracks POSIX quite closely.
  Unfortunately, there are not as many end-user applications yet as we
  would like, but this is changing rapidly.  Contact the vendor of your
  favorite commercial Unix application and ask if they have ported it to

  Here is an incomplete list of software that is known to work under

     Basic Unix commands:
        ls, tr, sed, awk and so on (you name it, Linux probably has it).

     Development tools:
        gcc, gdb, make, bison, flex, perl, rcs, cvs, prof.

     Languages and Environments:
        C, C++, Objective C, Java, Modula-3, Modula-2, Oberon, Ada95,
        Pascal, Fortran, ML, scheme, Tcl/tk, Perl, Python, Common Lisp,
        and many others.

     Graphical environments:
        X11R5 (XFree86 2.x), X11R6 (XFree86 3.x), MGR.

        GNU Emacs, XEmacs, MicroEmacs, jove, ez, epoch, elvis (GNU vi),
        vim, vile, joe, pico, jed, and others.

        bash (POSIX sh-compatible), zsh (includes ksh compatiblity
        mode), pdksh, tcsh, csh, rc, es, ash (mostly sh-compatible shell
        used as /bin/sh by BSD), and many more.

        Taylor (BNU-compatible) UUCP, SLIP, CSLIP, PPP, kermit, szrz,
        minicom, pcomm, xcomm, term (runs multiple shells, redirects
        network activity, and allows remote X, all over one modem line),
        Seyon (popular X-windows communications program), and several
        fax and voice-mail (using ZyXEL and other modems) packages are
        available.  Of course, remote serial logins are supported.

     News and mail:
        C-news, innd, trn, nn, tin, smail, elm, mh, pine, etc.

        TeX, groff, doc, ez, LyX, Lout, Linuxdoc-SGML, and others.
        Nethack, several Muds and X games, and lots of others.  One of
        those games is looking through all the games available at tsx-11
        and sunsite.

        AUIS, the Andrew User Interface System.  ez is part of this

  All of these programs (and this isn't even a hundredth of what is
  available) are freely available.  Commercial software is becoming
  widely available; ask the vendor of your favorite commercial software
  if they support Linux.

  5.  Who uses Linux?

  Linux is freely available, and no one is required to register their
  copies with any central authority, so it is difficult to know how many
  people use Linux.  Several businesses are now surviving solely on
  selling and supporting Linux, and very few Linux users use those
  businesses, relatively speaking, and the Linux newsgroups are some of
  the most heavily read on the internet, so the number is likely in the
  hundreds of thousands, but hard numbers are hard to come by.  However,
  one brave soul, Harald T. Alvestrand, has decided to try, and asks
  that if you use Linux, you send a message to linux-counter na
  with one of the following subjects: ``I use Linux at home'', ``I use
  Linux at work'', or ``I use Linux at home and at work''.  He is also
  counting votes of ``I don't use Linux'', for some reason.  He posts
  his counts to comp.os.linux.misc.

  6.  Getting Linux

  6.1.  Anonymous FTP

  Matt Welsh has released a new version of his Installation and Getting
  Started guide, version 2.1.1.  Also, the Linux Documentation Project
  (the LDP) has put out several other books in various states of
  completion, and these are available at  Stay tuned to
  comp.os.linux.announce.  The Linux Documentation Project home page is
  at <>

  At least the following anonymous ftp sites carry Linux.

  Textual name                   Numeric address  Linux directory
  =============================  ===============  ===============              /pub/linux            /pub/Linux             /pub/OS/Linux             /pub/linux            /pub/linux           /packages/linux    /pub/linux    /pub/comp/os/linux    /pub/linux    /pub/Linux       /pub/os/Linux                /pub/linux                  /systems/unix/linux      mirrors/linux          /pub/linux      /pub/linux           /pub/os/linux                                /pub/Linux              /pub/OS/linux           /Operating-Systems/Linux              /mirror/linux         /pub/Linux         /pub/linux         /pub/linux     /pub/linux and are the official sites
  for Linux' GCC.  Some sites mirror other sites.  Please use the site
  closest (network-wise) to you whenever possible.

  At least and offer
  ftpmail services.  Mail ftpmail na or ftp na informatik.tu- for help.

  If you are lost, try looking at, where several distributions
  are offered.  Red Hat Linux, Debian, and Slackware appear to be the
  most popular distributions at the moment.

  6.2.  CDROM

  Most people now install Linux from CDROM's.  The distributions have
  grown to hundreds of MBs of Linux software, and downloading that over
  even a 28.8 modem takes a long time.

  There are essentially two ways to purchase a Linux distribution on
  CDROM: as part of an archive of FTP sites, or directly from the
  manufacturer.  If you purchase an archive, you will almost always get
  several different distributions to choose from, but usually support is
  not included.  When you purchase a distribution directly from the
  vendor, you usually only get one distribution, but you usually get
  some form of support, usually installation support.

  6.3.  Other methods of obtaining Linux

  There are many BBS's that have Linux files.  A list of them is
  occasionally posted to comp.os.linux.announce.  Ask friends and user
  groups, or order one of the commmercial distributions.  A list of
  these is contained in the Linux distribution HOWTO, available as, and posted
  regularily to the comp.os.linux.announce newsgroup.

  7.  Getting started

  As mentioned at the beginning, Linux is not centrally administered.
  Because of this, there is no ``official'' release that one could point
  at, and say ``That's Linux.''  Instead, there are various
  ``distributions,'' which are more or less complete collections of
  software configured and packaged so that they can be used to install a
  Linux system.

  The first thing you should do is to get and read the list of
  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from one of the FTP sites, or by
  using the normal Usenet FAQ archives (e.g.  This
  document has plenty of instructions on what to do to get started, what
  files you need, and how to solve most of the common problems (during
  installation or otherwise).

  8.  Legal Status of Linux

  Although Linux is supplied with the complete source code, it is
  copyrighted software, not public domain.  However, it is available for
  free under the GNU General Public License, sometimes referred to as
  the ``copyleft''.  See the GPL for more information.  The programs
  that run under Linux each have their own copyright, although many of
  them use the GPL as well.  X uses the MIT X copyright, and some
  utilities are under the BSD copyright.  In any case, all of the
  software on the FTP site is freely distributable (or else it shouldn't
  be there).

  9.  News About Linux

  A monthly magazine, called Linux Journal, was launched over two years
  ago.  It includes articles intended for almost all skill levels, and
  is intended to be helpful to all Linux users.  One-year subscriptions
  are $22 in the U.S., $27 in Canada and Mexico, and $32 elsewhere,
  payable in US currency.  Subscription inquiries can be sent via email
  to subs na, or faxed to +1-206-782-7191, or phoned to
  +1-206-782-7733, or mailed to Linux Journal, PO Box 85867, Seattle, WA
  98145-1867 USA.  SSC has a PGP public key available for encrypting
  your mail to protect your credit card number; finger info na to
  get the key.

  There are several Usenet newsgroups for Linux discussion, and also
  several mailing lists.  See the Linux FAQ for more information about
  the mailing lists (you should be able to find the FAQ either in the
  newsgroup or on the FTP sites).

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.announce is a moderated newsgroup for
  announcements about Linux (new programs, bug fixes, etc).

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.answers is a moderated newsgroup to which
  the Linux FAQ, HOWTO documents, and other documentation postings are

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.admin is an unmoderated newsgroup for
  discussion of administration of Linux systems.

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.development.system is an unmoderated
  newsgroup specifically for discussion of Linux kernel development.
  The only application development questions that should be discussed
  here are those that are intimately associated with the kernel.  All
  other development questions are probably generic Unix development
  questions and should be directed to a comp.unix group instead, unless
  they are very Linux-specific applications questions, in which case
  they should be directed at comp.os.linux.development.apps.

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.development.apps is an unmoderated
  newsgroup specifically for discussion of Linux-related applications
  development.  It is not for discussion of where to get applications
  for Linux, nor a discussion forum for those who would like to see
  applications for Linux..

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.hardware is for Linux-specific hardware

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.networking is for Linux-specific
  networking development and setup questions.

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.x is for Linux-specific X Windows

  The newsgroup comp.os.linux.misc is the replacement for comp.os.linux,
  and is meant for any discussion that doesn't belong elsewhere.

  In general, do not crosspost between the Linux newsgroups.  The only
  crossposting that is appropriate is an occasional posting between one
  unmoderated group and comp.os.linux.announce.  The whole point of
  splitting comp.os.linux into many groups is to reduce traffic in each.
  Those that do not follow this rule will be flamed without mercy...

  Linux is on the web at the URL <>

  10.  The Future

  After Linux 1.0 was released, work was done on several enhancements.
  Linux 1.2 included disk access speedups, TTY improvements, virtual
  memory enhancements, multiple platform support, quotas, and more.
  Linux 2.0, the current stable version, has even more enhancements,
  including many performance improvements, several new networking
  protocols, one of the fastest TCP/IP implementations in the world, and
  far, far more.  Even higher performance, more networking protocols,
  and more device drivers will be available in Linux 2.2.

  Even with over 3/4 million lines of code in the kernel, there is
  plenty of code left to write, and even more documentation.  Please
  join the linux-doc na mailing list if you would like to
  contribute to the documentation. Send mail to
  majordomo na with a single line containing the word
  ``help'' in the body (NOT the subject) of the message.

  11.  This document

  This document is maintained by Michael K. Johnson,
  johnsonm na Please mail me with any comments, no matter how
  small.  I can't do a good job of maintaining this document without
  your help.  A more-or-less current copy of this document can always be
  found at <>

  12.  Legalese

  Trademarks are owned by their owners.  There is no warranty about the
  information in this document.  Use and distribute at your own risk.
  The content of this document is in the public domain, but please be
  polite and attribute any quotes.

- --- END Linux INFO-SHEET part 1/1 ---

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: finger gregh na for public key


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