From r at Mon Oct 3 10:18:41 2011 From: r at (Robert Ludvik) Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 08:18:41 -0000 Subject: [LUGOS-SLO] Ubuntu 11.10 translations Message-ID: <> ?estitke vsem, ki delate na From kristen.eisenberg at Thu Oct 20 19:26:55 2011 From: kristen.eisenberg at (Kristen Eisenberg) Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 10:26:55 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [LUGOS-SLO] =?utf-8?q?_Vabilo_na_sre=C4=8Danje_prevajalcev_proste?= =?utf-8?q?_programske_opremeopreme?= Message-ID: <> ?al mi danes zaradi nepredvidenih obveznosti ne bo uspelo priti. ?elim vam produktivno sre?anje! 2011/2/24 Matjaz Horvat > Se vidimo! > > 2011/2/23 andrej.znidarsic na > > Pridem. >> >> lp >> Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things >> brought together. Kristen Eisenberg Billige Fl?ge Marketing GmbH Emanuelstr. 3, 10317 Berlin Deutschland Telefon: +49 (33) 5310967 Email: utebachmeier at Site: - Billige Fl?ge vergleichen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From r at Thu Oct 20 19:41:44 2011 From: r at (Robert Ludvik) Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 19:41:44 +0200 Subject: [LUGOS-SLO] =?utf-8?q?Za=C4=8Detek_portala_odprtakoda=2Esi?= Message-ID: <> Pozdravljeni. Na majskem Velikem poku [1] smo se dogovorili, da bi bilo lepo imeti enotno vstopno to?ko za informacije o odprti kodi v Sloveniji. 'Portal', kjer bi posameznik iz prve roke dobil sve?e informacije o dogodkih, ki se bodo izvedli v Sloveniji ali njeni okolici, o novostih s podro?ja odprte kode, o projektih, ki se izvajajo ipd. Z malo dobre volje in troho ve? birokracije smo pri?li do gostovanja stre?nika na Arnesu (hvala, Arnes). Domen Ko?ar je za potrebe tega 'projekta' posodil domeno (hvala, Domen) in postavil portal (hvala, Domen). Portal [2] trenutno ponuja koledar dogodkov, agregat blogov in objavo novic. V planu je dopolnitev s predstavitvijo odprto kodnih skupin in stran z oceno podpore delovanja programov, ki so namenjeni vsem dr?avljanom, v operacijskem sistemu Linux. ICO je rekel: "pomlad je v nas, ne ?akaj na maj", zato na info na ?e danes sporo?ite, ?e ?elite vklju?iti svoj blog /koledar . Ker spletna stran gostuje na Arnesovih stre?nikih, se morate dr?ati pravil, ki so objavljena na Lep pozdrav Robert Ludvik [1] [2] From filip.komar at Fri Oct 21 09:19:11 2011 From: filip.komar at (Filip Komar) Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 09:19:11 +0200 Subject: [LUGOS-SLO] =?utf-8?q?Vabilo_na_sre=C4=8Danje_prevajalcev_proste_?= =?utf-8?q?programske_opremeopreme?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: 2011/10/20 Kristen Eisenberg > ?al mi danes zaradi nepredvidenih obveznosti ne bo uspelo priti. > > ?elim vam produktivno sre?anje! Iz te po?te sklepam, da se redno sre?ujete, ?eprav na spletni strani nisem na?el ni? o tem. Sem ?e nekaj ?asa ?lan Lugosa, ?eprav v smislu dru?tva nisem ravno aktiven. Po svojih zmo?nostih pa delujem v skupnosti. Vzdr?ujem nekaj manj?ih prevodov odprtokodnih programov. Pred ?asom sem se lotil osve?itve oziroma vzdr?evanja prevodov za Mageio[1] (community Mandriva fork). Za kvaliteto in poenotenost odprtokodnih prevodov je vsekakor bolje, da smo povezani. Rad bi se torej pridru?il pri teh sre?anjih. [1] Lep dan ?elim, Filip. From mojca.miklavec.lists at Fri Oct 21 10:29:29 2011 From: mojca.miklavec.lists at (Mojca Miklavec) Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:29:29 +0200 Subject: [LUGOS-SLO] =?utf-8?q?Pritajeni_spam=3F_=28biv=C5=A1e=3A_Vabilo_n?= =?utf-8?q?a_sre=C4=8Danje_prevajalcev_proste_programske_opreme=29?= Message-ID: 2011/10/21 Filip Komar: > 2011/10/20 Kristen Eisenberg: >> ?al mi danes zaradi nepredvidenih obveznosti ne bo uspelo priti. >> >> ?elim vam produktivno sre?anje! > > Iz te po?te sklepam, da se redno sre?ujete ... ali da nekdo na zelo pritajen na?in spama mailing listo. To je samo dobesedna kopija Matja?evega maila (glej, s podpisom, ki vabi na spletno stran. Ker je vsebina dovolj dale? nazaj v zgodovini, se najve?krat nih?e ne spomni maila. In ker je vsebina kredibilna, je tudi nih?e ne bri?e, link na stran iskalnika letalskih prevozov pa se akumulira v arhivih z visoko kredibilnostjo in tako dviguje rating spletne strani na iskalnikih. Naslov sporo?ila je ravno dovolj spremenjen, da gmail ne najde prave niti iz zgodovine (potem bi vsaj dovolj ljudi posumilo na problem). Pa tudi malenkost dvomim, da tale Kristen govori slovensko. Ali lahko kdo pobri?e Kristenov mail iz arhiva, da mu ne delamo usluge, in umakne njegov mail iz dopisnega seznama, dasiravno bo to Sizifovo delo? (S preostalim delom maila, da bi se rad pridru?il sre?anjem, pa ni ni? narobe. Glej Mojca From andrej.znidarsic at Fri Oct 21 10:46:44 2011 From: andrej.znidarsic at (Andrej Znidarsic) Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 11:46:44 +0300 Subject: [LUGOS-SLO] =?iso-8859-2?q?Vabilo_na_sre=E8anje_prevajalcev_prost?= =?iso-8859-2?q?e_programske_opremeopreme?= In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: ?ivjo Filip! Kot ka?e je pri?lo do neke napake, saj je bil tisti sestanek enkrat marca (mislim, da 3 marca). Mislim, da je bil tole neke vrste spam. Se pa na?eloma prevajalci Ubuntuja mese?no sre?ujemo na prevajalskih pivih (seveda pri tem ne diskriminiramo, lepo so vabljeni tudi prevajalci drugih skupin od katerih nekateri redno prihajajo). Ker so se na?li tudi ljudje, ki so se za?eli dobivati izven Ljubljane in prihajali tudi neprevajalci, smo koncept raz?irili v Ubuntu urice[1]. Namen je dru?enje in razprave ob pija?i ter vsemu dru?enju na IRCu dodati ?e osebno plat. Vabljeni ste seveda vsi ne glede na sistem, ki ga uporabljate. Naslednje Ubuntu urice bodo naslednji teden. Septembra so bile Ubuntu urice v 4 krajih (Ljubljana, ?rnomelj, Postojna, Koper), trenutno se i??ejo prostovoljci za ?e ve? mest v oktobru. Vse kar je treba narediti je to,da se spomnite datum in ?as, ter ste seveda takrat tudi tam v pri?akovanju navala odprtokodnih uporabnikov.Ve? info je na povezavi [1]. Kar se pa ti?e smernic, Ubuntu Gnome ter KDE posku?amo slediti pojmovniku [2]. Kar se ti?e pripomb ali komentarjev nanj ali pa prevajalskih vpra?anj je lugos-slo verjetno pravi kraj, saj mislim, da najve? prevajalcem sledi temu dopisnemu seznamu. Za la?je sodelovanje oziroma koordinacijo med odprtokodnimi skupinami je nastala tudi spletna stran, kjer je trenutno najla?je spremljati kaj se pri nas na tem podro?ju dogaja (tudi glede prevajanja). ?e pa potrebuje? kaj specifi?nega od prevajalcev ubuntuja, pa jih najhitreje dobi? na #ubuntu-si na stre?niku freenode. lp [1] [2] Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Dne 21. oktober 2011 10:19 je Filip Komar napisal/-a: > 2011/10/20 Kristen Eisenberg > > ?al mi danes zaradi nepredvidenih obveznosti ne bo uspelo priti. > > > > ?elim vam produktivno sre?anje! > > Iz te po?te sklepam, da se redno sre?ujete, ?eprav na spletni strani > nisem na?el ni? o tem. Sem ?e nekaj ?asa ?lan Lugosa, ?eprav v smislu > dru?tva nisem ravno aktiven. Po svojih zmo?nostih pa delujem v > skupnosti. Vzdr?ujem nekaj manj?ih prevodov odprtokodnih programov. > Pred ?asom sem se lotil osve?itve oziroma vzdr?evanja prevodov za > Mageio[1] (community Mandriva fork). Za kvaliteto in poenotenost > odprtokodnih prevodov je vsekakor bolje, da smo povezani. Rad bi se > torej pridru?il pri teh sre?anjih. > > [1] > > Lep dan ?elim, > Filip. > _______________________________________________ > lugos-slo mailing list > lugos-slo na > > -------------- naslednji del -------------- HTML priponka je pre?i??ena... URL: From Wed Oct 19 14:55:25 2011 From: () Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 12:55:25 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: Bohori=C4=8Dica *orthography*, since the script is Latin (as is clear in = the Wikipedia page, which lists a, b, d, e, f, g, h, etc.), being used = for Slovenian (ISO language name).=20 =20 The way to proceed is to propose a variant subtag (via = ietf-languages at, particularly if you want to have your data be = available for general use. =20 See RFC 5646, especially sections 2.2.5, 3.5, and 3.6: = =20 (Useful background reading: = = and = ) =20 I wrote to Doug Ewell, who is directly involved with IANA subtag = registry, to verify this. He recommended you propose a variant subtag = but noted: > Until something is registered, a private-use tag like "sl-x-bohoric" = (or "sl-x-boh" if brevity [is=20 > preferred] over readability) should work.=20 > Remember that if a variant is later registered, he will want to use = the "official" tag instead of the=20 > private one, and changing tags on existing data can be a headache.=20 =20 I hope this helps. (Doug can assist you in making a request, if you = decide to go that route.) =20 With best wishes, Deborah Anderson Researcher, Dept. of Linguistics UC Berkeley =20 =20 From: TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) public discussion list = [mailto:TEI-L at LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU] On Behalf Of Toma Tasovac Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 5:21 PM To: TEI-L at LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU Subject: Re: Code for Bohori=C4=8D alphabet? =20 Dear Toma=C5=BE, =20 So far I've just been using @xml:lang=3D"sl-boh" but I know this is = sinful - but I'm not sure how it should be encoded. =20 Wouldn't this actually be a good candidate for the x-subtag? Since ISO = doesn't really recognize Bohori=C4=8Dica, using xml:lang=3D"sl-x-boh" = would stress that fact without sacrificing the readability of the = attribute value. And with private use subtags you are pretty much free = to do whatever you want ("Private use subtags are used to indicate = distinctions in language that are important in a given context by = private agreement.") =20 Then to be perfectly safe you could use and in = the header:=20 =20 Slovenian written using the Bohori=C4=8D = alphabet =20 All best, Toma =E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2= =80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80= =94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94 Toma Tasovac Center for Digital Humanities (Belgrade, Serbia)=20 =E2=80=A2 =20 13.04.2012, =D0=B2 22:42, Tomaz Erjavec = =D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B0=D0=BB(=D0=B0): =20 Dear all, in the context of a historical corpus of Slovene I'd want to mark texts = that are written in the Bohori=C4=8D alphabet = ( So far I've just been using @xml:lang=3D"sl-boh" but I know this is = sinful - but I'm not sure how it should be encoded. First, I'm not sure if it even qualifies as a "script", as e.g. I can't = find a script for old English which used the long s, but maybe because = this only substitutes one character for another - with Bohori=C4=8D = it's more complicated.=20 Even taking it as a script (so I could write sl-Boho), = does = say that they should be taken from ISO 15924, = and there is no Boho = there; I also can't find an extension mechanism as there is with = languages. Any tips gratefully received. Best, Toma=C5=BE --=20 Toma=C5=BE Erjavec, Dept. of Knowledge Technologies, Jo=C5=BEef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana =20 ------=_NextPart_000_01F8_01CD1B4B.D15A36E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dear Deborah,

thanks a lot for your informative mail =E2=80=93 and, of course, to = Toma, who steered me in the right direction; we've had some exchange off = the list, and settled on sl-x-Boho.


But even now, reading rfc 5646, I still think it is a script, rather = than variant:

2.2.3.=C2=A0 Script Subtag are used to indicate the script or = _writing system = variations_ that distinguish the written forms of a = language

2.2.5.=C2=A0 Variant Subtags are used to indicate additional, = well-recognized variations that define _a language or its = dialects_


I'd say Bohori=C4=8D is clearly a writing system variation, rather = than a language =E2=80=93 that didn=E2=80=99t change suddenly with the = switch to Gajica (~1850), which is what we use today (a-z + = =C4=8D=C5=A1=C5=BE).


If scripts, not only variants can be registered with IANA, = I=E2=80=99d certainly like to do it =E2=80=93 except, while I=E2=80=99m = at it, I=E2=80=99d also propose two others, which were briefly in vogue = in Slovenia the mid-19th = century.


I agree that back-changing sl-x-Boho to sl-Boho is a pain, and time = is actually tight, as I=E2=80=99m presenting the corpus in about a month = =E2=80=93 is an IANA that fast?


My question was also CCed to the Linux localisation user group of = Slovenia, where I got links to ISO-15924, in = particular:

Notice of changes from ISO of that standard: codechanges.html

Rules about adding new scripts (see article A.3.3): =C2=A0

This does look more complicated = though.


All the best,




From: Deborah W. = Anderson [mailto:dwanders at]
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 8:14 = PM
Cc: = tomaz.erjavec at IJS.SI
Subject: RE: Code for Bohori=C4=8D = alphabet?


Dear = Toma=C5=BE (and Toma),

To add a = bit to what Toma has written=E2=80=A6


From my = reading of your message, you want to identify the Bohori=C4=8Dica = *orthography*, since the = script is Latin (as is clear in the Wikipedia page, which lists a, b, d, = e, f, g, h, etc.), being used for Slovenian (ISO language name). =


The way to = proceed is to propose a variant subtag (via ietf-languages at, = particularly if you want to have your data be available for general = use.


See RFC = 5646, especially sections 2.2.5, 3.5, and 3.6: http://www.inter-loc=


(Useful = background reading: .php and )


I wrote to = Doug Ewell, who is directly involved with IANA subtag registry, to = verify this. He recommended you propose a variant subtag but = noted:

> Until something is = registered, a private-use tag like "sl-x-bohoric" (or = "sl-x-boh" if brevity [is

> = preferred] over readability) should work. =

> Remember that if a variant = is later registered, he will want to use the "official" tag = instead of the

> private one, and changing = tags on existing data can be a headache.


I hope this helps.  (Doug = can assist you in making a request, if you decide to go that = route.)


With best = wishes,

Deborah = Anderson

Researcher, Dept. of = Linguistics

UC = Berkeley



From: TEI (Text = Encoding Initiative) public discussion list [mailto:TEI-L at LISTSERV.= BROWN.EDU] On Behalf Of = Toma Tasovac
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 5:21 = PM
= Subject: Re: Code for = Bohori=C4=8D alphabet?


Dear = Toma=C5=BE,



So far I've just been using = @xml:lang=3D"sl-boh" but I know this is sinful - but I'm not = sure how it should be = encoded.



Wouldn't this actually be a good candidate for = the x-subtag? Since ISO doesn't really recognize Bohori=C4=8Dica, = using xml:lang=3D"sl-x-boh" would stress that fact = without sacrificing the readability of the attribute value.  And = with private use subtags you are pretty much free to do whatever = you want ("Private use subtags are used to indicate distinctions in = language that are important in a given context by private = agreement.")


<= p class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:35.4pt'>Then to be perfectly safe you could use = <langUsage> and <language> in the = header: 


<= p class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:35.4pt'><langUsage>

<= /div>

<language = ident=3D"sl-x-boh">Slovenian written using the Bohori=C4=8D = alphabet</language>




<= p class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:35.4pt'>All = best,


=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2= =80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80= =94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94=E2=80=94
Tom= a Tasovac
Center for Digital Humanities (Belgrade, = Serbia) =E2=80=A2=


<= p class=3DMsoNormal style=3D'margin-left:35.4pt'>13.04.2012, =D0=B2 22:42, Tomaz Erjavec = =D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B0=D0=BB(=D0=B0):


Dear all,
in the context of a historical = corpus of Slovene I'd want to mark texts that are written in the = Bohori=C4=8D alphabet (http://en.wik=
So far I've just been = using @xml:lang=3D"sl-boh" but I know this is sinful - but I'm = not sure how it should be encoded.
First, I'm not sure if it even = qualifies as a "script", as e.g. I can't find a script for old = English which used the long s, but maybe because this only substitutes = one character for another - with Bohori=C4=8D  it's more = complicated.
Even taking it as a script (so I could write sl-Boho), = = does say that they should be taken from ISO 15924, http://unicode.o= rg/iso15924/iso15924-codes.html and there is no Boho there; I also = can't find an extension mechanism as there is with languages.
Any = tips gratefully received.
Toma=C5=BE = Erjavec,
Dept. of = Knowledge Technologies, Jo=C5=BEef Stefan Institute, = Ljubljana

