[LUGOS-SLO] Besede, ki niso v rezultatih iskanja

Matej Urbančič matej.urban at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 07:54:08 CET 2007


Yelp vsebuje tri zelo nenavadne vrstice, ki vključujejo besede, ki
niso med zadetki iskanja. Ali obstaja kak spisek teh besed oz. ali ime
kdo idejo katere besede predpone ... vključiti?

- list of common prefixes for words.

- list of common suffixes to words.

- colon-separated words that aren't useful for choosing search
results. Include pronouns, articles, very common verbs and
prepositions, words from question structures like "tell me about" and
"how do I", and words for functional states like "not", "work", and

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