[LUGOS-SLO] Slovenska tipkovnica za KTouch

Jure Repinc jlp at holodeck1.com
Sat Dec 4 21:48:12 CET 2004

Gregor Pirnaver wrote:
> On sobota 04 decembra 2004 16:33, Jure Repinc wrote:
>>Slovensko tipkovnico sem jaz že izdelal, ko sem prevajal
>>program. Čudi me, da še vedno ni vključena poleg KTouch.
>>Sedaj se točno ne spomnim, komu sem jo poslal
>>(koordinatorju za prevode v KDE ali mogoče kar neposredno
>>avtorju programa) ampak lahko jo pošljem še enkrat.
> Tudi jaz sem zdaj dokončal tipkovnico ...
> Je razpored tipk pri tebi enak (npr. je ž na istem mestu?).
> Si poslal tudi vajo?
> http://mandrakeprinas.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=748
> lp

Temu sporočilu sem priložil svojo tipkovnico. Kode sm pa dobil s 
programčkom xev (del XOrg/XFree86).
-------------- next part --------------
#    KTouch
#    Keybord layout file
#  FingerKey: This class represents the keys where
#  your fingers shold rest between typing.
#		Assci		KeyText 	x	y
FingerKey	97		A		18	20
FingerKey	115		S		28	20
FingerKey	100		D		38	20
FingerKey	102		F		48	20
FingerKey	106		J		78	20
FingerKey	107		K		88	20
FingerKey	108		L		98	20
FingerKey	59		Č		108	20
#  ControlKey: This class will represent all the
#  control keys that you are using. Theys keys
#  will be used later when you want to use uppercase.
#		Assci		KeyText		x		y		Width		Height
ControlKey	260		Tab		0		10		15		10
ControlKey	13		Enter		128		20		22		10
ControlKey	257		Shift		123		30		27		10
ControlKey	264		AltGr		120		40		15		10
ControlKey	265		Ctrl		135		40		15		10
ControlKey	263		Alt		15		40		15		10
ControlKey	262		Ctrl		0		40		15		10
ControlKey	32		Preslednica	30		40		90		10
ControlKey	258		Shift		0		30		23		10
ControlKey	259		CapsLock	0		20		18		10
NormalKey	8 		BackSpace	140		0		10      	10
#  NormalKey: This class represent all the
#  normal keys where you don't need to press
#  anything else then just one key. That would
#  basicly bee all the numbers and the lovercase
#  letters. For this class you have to indicate
#  withc finger key you are going to use.
#		Assci		KeyText		x		y		FingerKey
NormalKey	96		`		0		0		97
NormalKey	49		1		10		0		97
NormalKey	50		2		20		0		115
NormalKey	51		3		30		0		100
NormalKey	52		4		40		0		102
NormalKey	53		5		50		0		102
NormalKey	54		6		60		0		106
NormalKey	55		7		70		0		106
NormalKey	56		8		80		0		107
NormalKey	57		9		90		0		108
NormalKey	48		0		100		0		59
NormalKey	95		-		110		0		59
NormalKey	61		=		120		0		59
NormalKey	92		\		130		0		59
NormalKey	113		Q		15		10		97
NormalKey	119		W		25		10		115
NormalKey	101		E		35		10		100
NormalKey	114		R		45		10		102
NormalKey	116		T		55		10		102
NormalKey	121		Y		65		10		106
NormalKey	117		U		75		10		106
NormalKey	105		I		85		10		107
NormalKey	111		O		95		10		108
NormalKey	112		P		105		10		59
NormalKey	91		[		115		10		59
NormalKey	93		]		125		10		59
NormalKey	103		G		58		20		102
NormalKey	104		H		68		20		106
NormalKey	39		'		118		20		59
NormalKey	122		Z		23		30		97
NormalKey	120		X		33		30		115
NormalKey	99		C		43		30		100
NormalKey	118		V		53		30		102
NormalKey	98		B		63		30		102
NormalKey	110		N		73		30		106
NormalKey	109		M		83		30		106
NormalKey	44		,		93		30		107
NormalKey	46		.		103		30		108
NormalKey	47		/		113		30		59
#  HiddenKey: This is all the keys that
#  you cant see. That means that you have
#  to use an controll key to get them. Basically
#  this is all the uppercase letters.
#		Ascii		Target		Finger		Contorl
HiddenKey	65		97		97		257 #A
HiddenKey	66		98		102		257 #B
HiddenKey	67		99		100		257 #C
HiddenKey	68		100		100		257 #D
HiddenKey	69		101		100		257 #E
HiddenKey	70		102		102		257 #F
HiddenKey	71		103		102		257 #G
HiddenKey	72		104		106		258 #H
HiddenKey	73		105		107		258 #I
HiddenKey	74		106		106		258 #J
HiddenKey	75		107		107		258 #K
HiddenKey	76		108		106		258 #L
HiddenKey	77		109		106		258 #M
HiddenKey	78		110		106		258 #N
HiddenKey	79		111		108		258 #O
HiddenKey	80		112		59		258 #P
HiddenKey	81		113		97		257 #Q
HiddenKey	82		114		102		257 #R
HiddenKey	83		115		115		257 #S
HiddenKey	84		116		102		257 #T
HiddenKey	85		117		106		258 #U
HiddenKey	86		118		102		257 #V
HiddenKey	87		119		115		257 #W
HiddenKey	88		120		115		257 #X
HiddenKey	89		121		106		258 #Y
HiddenKey	90		122		97		257 #Z

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