[LUGOS-SLO] Pregled prevoda

Miha Tomšič miha.tomsic at guest.arnes.si
Fri Aug 23 08:28:21 CEST 2002


On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 23:37:31 +0200 Miha Tomšič
<miha.tomsic at guest.arnes.si> wrote:
> Lahko malo pregledate tale moj hitri prevod. 

Počasi se daleč pride.

========= Jon "maddog" Hall

Title of the Talk:  Linux in Business


Open Source Advocates talk about "Freedom".  Business people talk
about"Time and Money".  Often they can not reach across the chasm to
understand each other's point.  In this talk Jon "maddog" Hall, who
has been on both sides of the abyss, illustrates to the business
person the importance of freedom in software, and to the Open Source
Advocate how to put their passion in words that the rest of society
can understand.


Jon "maddog" Hall

Naslov predavanja: Linux v poslovnem svetu


Zagovorniki odprte kode govorijo o "svobodi", poslovneži govorijo o
"času in denarju".  Pogosto ne zmorejo seči preko prepada, da bi
razumeli stališče druge strani.  Jon "maddog" Hall, ki je preizkusil
obe strani brezna, bo v tem predavanju poslovnežem predstavil
pomembnost svobode na področju pogramske opreme in razložil
zagovornikom odprte kode, kako naj svojo gorečnost prenesejo v besede,
ki jih razume tudi preostanek družbe. 


Jon Hall is the Executive Director of Linux International, an
association of companies that are promoting freely distributed
software, Linux in particular. He has been in the computer industry
for over thirty years, as a programmer, system designer, systems
administrator, product manager, technical marketing and educator on
the college level.  He has worked for small and large companies,
including Bell Laboratories and Digital Equipment Corporation. 

"maddog" (as his students called him, and as he prefers to be known),
has his BS in Commerce and Engineering from Drexel University, and his
MS in Computer Science from RPI in Troy, NY.


John Hall je izvršilni direktor organizacije Linux International, ki
združuje podjetja, ki podpirajo prosto razširljivo programje, predvsem
linux.  Znotraj računalniške industrije je že preko trideset let, kot
programer, načrtovalec sistemov, administrator sistemov, manager
proizvodov, tehnični tržnik in učitelj na dodiplomski stopnji.  Delal
je v majhnih in velikih podjetjih vključno z Bell
Laboratories in Digital Equipment Corporation.

"maddog" (kot so ga klicali študentje in kot se sam predstavlja) ima
diplomo iz komerciale in strojnišva z Univerze Drexel in magisterij iz
računalništva s politehnike RPI v Troyu v državi New York.


Hvala za potrpljenje,


 - Miha Tomšič --- C. na postajo 55 -- SI-1351 Brezovica pri Lj. ---

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